
Florence And The Machine 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel

Florence + The Machine

Jetzt kommt schon mal eine neuere, größere Nummer im Musikzirkus auf Rock The Cam: Florence + The Machine! Ich durfte Florence Welch und Band beim Hurricane Festival 2012 live fotografieren und erleben. Die Darbietung hatte was, irgendwie leicht entrückt, aber nicht distanziert, so war die Dame unterwegs. Das Gewand flatternd im Winde und dann auch die „on stage“ Bewegung, zeitweise links – zeitweise rechts auf der Bühne und viele große Gesten. Ich muss zugeben ich kenne mich mit der Musik von Florence And The Machine nicht wirklich aus, aber live war es ein schönes Erlebnis.

Now a bigger number in the music circus here on Rock The Cam: Florence + The Machine. I was able to take pictures and to experience Florence Welch at the Hurricane Festival 2012 in Germany. And the show had something, kind of lost in reverie, but not reserved, this was the impression of her on me. Her dress waving in the wind plus the movement on stage, sometimes from left to right and back plus the large gestures. Me not being familiarly with the music of Florence And The Machine, must say the live performance was a great experience.


Dø 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel

The Do

Hier sind nun einige Bilder von der französischen Band The Dø. The Do sind Olivia Bouyssou Merilahti + Dan Levy und live noch ein paar andere Musiker. Gespielt habe The Do im Zelt und es gab auch oben im Norden beim Hurricane Festival in Scheeßel den einen oder anderen frankophilen Besucher, der sich sehr über die Band gefreut hat, aber auch der Rest vor der Bühne war glücklich.

You came to the right page to see some concert photos from the French band The Dø. They are mainly two persons, Olivia Merilahti and Dan Levy, although on stage there are some other musicians as well. The Do played at the White stage (the tent at the Hurricane Festival) and even if they are French or Finnish, they sing in English. Nice show and yeahhhhh – nice pictures as well!


GusGus 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel


Wie passt denn GusGus hinter die Eagles Of Death Metal? Eigentlich gar nicht, so rein optisch und musikalisch sind das doch ziemlich verschiedenen Welten. Aber es sollte sein und mir haben GusGus beim Hurricane Festival sehr gut gefallen. Der chillige, relaxte Tanzbeat, die warmen Stimmen (Daníel Ágúst Haraldsson, Urður Hákonardóttir und Högni Egilsson), das hat einfach gute Laune gemacht. Ein gutes Licht für ein paar GusGus live Konzertbilder tat sein Übriges dazu. Im Zelt wurden etwas die Ärschele gewackelt und auch für mich war leichtes Mitwippen ein schönes Innehalten von der Festivalterminplan-Hektik.

This is what happens on festivals, you have the dirty rock from the Eagles Of Death Metal followed by a „dance“ band from Island named GusGus. Not just the looks but hey, really the music was a big difference. What can I write about the GusGus concert at the Hurricane Festival? There was good light to take pictures and there was good mood all around in the tent and I liked the chilly relaxed dance beat music with warm voices. People were grooving and I took a little break in this atmosphere from the festival-run-around time table.


Sonic Avenues 26.04.2012 Interview Max

It was a pleasure for Rock The Cam to talk to Max. He is Canadian and the singer, songwriter and guitarist of the punk band Sonic Avenues. I met him for a little conversation (come on let’s call it interview!) before the gig at the Kafe Kult in Munich.

Max from Sonic Avenues Sonic Avenue interview picture of Max

Max; from a no name to the pin-up boy

RTC: You are?

Max: I’m Max.

RTC: Your job in the band (Sonic Avenues)?

Max: Singer and guitarist and songwriter

RTC: And not the pin-up boy?

Max: Especially the pin-up boy (laughs).

RTC: What other bands were or are you in?

Max: I started in a band called The Kamikazes, we were from Montreal and released a 7” on Alien Snatch Records, that was a while ago, early 2000 (it was SNATCH!006) and I was just the guitarist in this band, not the songwriter, nor the pin-up boy, I was just a no name. Right now I’m just in Sonic Avenues, I sometimes fill in for Steve (Steve Adamyk) when he needs a guitarist.

The Sonic Ramones Avenues Clash

RTC: What made you start making music?

Max: It started with the Ramones, I thought how easy it looked with the guitar.

RTC: How did you discover the Ramones?

MAX: My mom’s boyfriend bought a boxset – a compilation of rock songs when I was 12 or 13 and there was Blitzkrieg Bop on it and I was just wow (yeah dear reader, think about a wow-face, cause this was I was seeing). I could not stop listen to that song. I came to Punk Rock at that point but I didn’t start playing the guitar until 3 years after when I realized how easy it was to play the Ramones, I could use two fingers and move them around and keep that shape, so me and my friends set up a Ramones cover band.

RTC: So your mother’s boyfriend is to blame that your life goes down so much?

Max: Yeah (laughs), that complication, it had the Clash on it too. Rock The Casbah I was really impressed by that song, too, not their best song but a groovy one.

About spies and DIY

RTC: Can you make a living out of your music? What else do you do?

Max: No I work for the government. I’m a spy. Yeah, I’m a spy and I trick the weather, I make it like we want. I studied oceanography and weather forecasting, so this job allows me to do what I really wanne do. The genre music that we play is really hard to live off it, it is really for dedicated people – it is really DIY, we do everything ourselves: we write, we record, we play shows, we organize the shows, we do everything on top of the 40 hours week job, so I’m in it cause I like it!

RTC: What was the best song in which you were involved?

Max: Oh, I think it is a song that we never ever released, because it is really different, it is called “Rebirth Of A Dying Day”. It never got released cause it is really Beach Boys style but it is dark. A lot of key changes and I remember this is the song that taught me to do key changes and to do multilayer harmonies, it was a very powerful, pivotal point (for me).

get a taste of REBIRTH OF A DYING DAY

RTC: The song you wished to have written?

Max: There are so many. Right now I go for Wouldn’t It Be Nice by the Beach Boys. That song got everything I like, it is catchy, it’s got complexity, it’s beautiful and it’s smart.

About Punk Rock and music labels

RTC: Are the Sonic Avenues Punk Rock?

Max: Definitely, in our blood!

RTC: You’re definition of Punk Rock?

Max: DIY, intensity, fun and without obligation!

RTC: Politics?

Max: No, not necessary, it sometimes spices up songs but I am not gonna include that in my songs for now.

RTC: How does your mother/father describes your music to their neighbors?

Max: I taught them what to say: Beatles speed up, dirtier and a little shittier! Hahaha

RTC: How do you pick your labels (Sabotage / Taken By Surprise…)?

Max: Actually we are first on “Going Gaga” records, we talked to Ian about it cause we were looking around for a label and then we decided to keep it in our group of friends, so I asked him. I knew he released his own records and he is doing a really good job at it, so I trusted him with my heart. It was „do our record if you want“ and he was into it, luckily. And he knew Michael and Franz and this is how the connection was.

RTC: What do you expect from a label?

Max: I expect them to do a good production; I want the record to sound as good as possible and to do as much promotion as they can. Honestly my mind has been blown away by the work of Michael and Franz. They are the best, like Michael just drove us for 1 ½ week through Europe, that’s way over my expectations. He is the best and I hope we keep working with them in the future. I feel right now Sonic Avenues has a really good cruising attitude like we have Dirtnap in the states that we trust with our hearts and then we have people here in Germany that are the best at what they do.

Vinyl and show time

RTC: You still remember you 1st record?

Max: It was a tape of Faith No More – The Real Thing.

RTC: And the last one?

Max: Digital Leather – Modern Problems, the new one which I think is excellent on FDH and on LP (as well on P.Trash)

RTC: Are you a record collector?

Max: Yes, but not like a freak, I don’t go and smell the record like lot of people do. I am in for the music but not for the piece of material, I don’t mind if my records are beaten up or I drop them – I don’t care.

RTC: How do you sort them?

Max: Organized chaos (laughs loud). I have a feeling were I put them last time and just go there and it is always plus/minus 10 records.

RTC: OK, now imagine you are god and you could choose the 5 headliners for a festival (even dead people or dissolved bands), gimme the names?

Max: 1) Dictators
2) Exploding Hearts
3) Ramones
4) Beatles
5) Zombies, cause it is the best show I have ever seen. They did the reunion concert in Ottawa two years ago – the best!!! It was same singer Colin Blunstone and Rod Argent on keyboards just like on “Odessey And Oracle“

Foto von Max von den Sonic Avenues

That’s all, the Steve Adamyk Band / Sonic Avenues concert was about to start and here you can find pictures of it and if you want to know more, go to their next show and ask yourself!


Eagles Of Death Metal 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel

Eagles Of Death Metal

Genau, schon wie Jesse „The Devil“ Hughes auf die Bühne kam (Kippe, Bier…) wusste man was einen erwartet: Party!!!! Und dann ging die Eagles Of Death Metal Party los, einem taugt es, einem anderen nicht, Rock; tja bei EoDM muss auch noch der Begriff Stoner Rock fallen, Garagen Rock stimmt auch, dreckig und damit passend für ein Open Air. Jesse Hughes, Brian O’Connor, Dave Catching und Joey Castillo machten Peace, Love, Death Metal wahr.

Jesse Hughes, Dave Catching, Brian O’Connor and Joey Castillo are Eagles Of Death Metal and EoDM came to the Hurricane Festival to make a party. While getting on stage you could see that, look at the Jesse Hughes welcome picture. During the show you could feel and hear it, it was party! Some like it, others not, however on stage this (stoner, garage) rock show rocked! Rooock Party.


Kakkmaddafakka 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel


Was für eine Name, was für eine Band: Kakkmaddafakka! Die Kombo aus Norwegen kommt schon mit so einem oder anderem Zeugs rum auf der Bühne. Fahnenschwingen, Backgroundchor – mit was für einem Aufzug, hat was. Die Musik mag man oder nicht, live sind Kakkmaddafakka auf jeden Fall eine gute Sache. Hier gibt es einige Konzertfotos von Kakkmaddafakka live beim Hurricane Festival 2012 in Scheeßel.

Crazy name, crazy band: Kakkmaddafakka. They are from Norway and not only the name has a hint that it is not quite normal, so is their appearance on stage. Swinging a flag, uhhhhh strange looking guys doing backing vocals, interesting. The music, yes like always, you can like or perhaps you do not like it, anyway on stage Kakkmaddafakka is good entertainment. And here are some Kakkmaddafakka live concert pictures from their Hurricane Festival show 2012.


Less Than Jake 23.06.2012 Hurricane Festival Scheeßel

Less Than Jake

Seasons Greetings beim Hurricane Festival von Less Than Jake. Wie immer war bei Less Than Jake gute Laune angesagt und auch viele Sprünge. LTJ kommen aus Gainesville, USA und passen in die Ska Punk Schublade, da aber ganz vorne rein. Live machen die Jungs eigentlich immer Spaß und die Bilder von Less Than Jake (Chris Demakes, Roger Manganelli, Pete Wasilewski und Buddy Schaub) auf der großen Festivalbühne gibt es hier für dich.

On the main stage at the Hurricane Festival, all the way from Gainesville, USA: Less Than Jake!!! It was a fun show, I mean with Ska Punk music what do you expect? Good mood Ska Punk! Lots of jumps (thx Roger – I love that), nice tunes, enthusiastic crowd and my little photographer world was all right. Always nice to see and to listen to those guys (Pete Wasilewski, Chris Demakes, Buddy Schaub and Roger Manganelli), party on Less Than Jake.