Neue Platte, neue Tour und neue Bilder für dich: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead waren wieder unterwegs, diesmal in der Ampere. So wie die Platte so war der Beginn, etwas ruhiger, sphärischer. Treibend aber nicht wild. Doch mit der Zeit hat sich dies gesteigert und es wurde heftiger. Was habe ich zu den Konzerten von Trail Of Dead zuvor geschrieben? Intensiv; und das war es mal wieder was Jason Reece, Conrad Keely, Autry Fulbright II und Jamie Miller geboten haben. Diesmal war Autry nur kurz am Boden, dafür spielte er eine lange Zeit aus beim Publikum in der ersten Reihe. Ich freue mich schon auf mein nächstes And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Konzert.
New record out, new tour and new pictures for you: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead came to Munich to play at the Ampere. And the concert was a bit like the new record, started out a bit calmer, impulsive but not wild. Ongoing it got harder. What did I write the last times about the Trail Of Dead shows? Intensive and this is what it was again and what Jason Reece, Conrad Keely, Autry Fulbright II and Jamie Miller are just really great in doing! OK; Autry did not do such extreme body workout on the floor but he went down from the stage to play a while out of the audience. To put a long story in a nut shell: happy to see And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead soon again!
2 Antworten auf „And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 09.11.2014 Ampere München“
I love them since the beginning, Trail Of Dead are an amazing band.
These are great and crazy musicians!
Never ever boring they are.