After an intense gig (like always) at the Strom in Munich I had the chance to get 3 minutes with Jason Reece. He is one of the original members (besides Conrad Keely) of And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. The band Trail Of Dead is from Texas and they had their first album out 1998. Last year they published Lost Songs and this is the name of the tour.

RTC: If your music would be a film, what kind / genre would it be?
Jason: Let me think, it would be in the future, a science fiction, kind of blade runner with lots of sex and violence.
RTC: What would be your role in this film?
Jason: I would be the renegade, a corrupted cop, not being bad but doing a lot of illegal things, struggling and just trying to survive. Half a cyborg, wait a cyborg is half human half machine, then just a cyborg, not a half one (and on the face was a terrifying cyborg smile)
Now we clarified Jason’s Trail Of Dead film; all right back to music.
RTC: Why should more people listen to And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead?
Jason: Why? Cause we are the best band on this fucking planet, we are the number 1 (another smile) at least in my mind.
RTC: Imagine you are god and you could choose the five headliners for a festival (even dead people or dissolved bands), give me the names:
The Who
Sonic Youth
A Tribe Called Quest

Off he was (dragged away by his – take this Gordon – evil cyborg manager), ciao Jason – see you next tour again.
And here you can look at the Lost Songs tour pictures from And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, live in Munich.