
Against Me! 24.05.2010 59 to 1 München

Against Me!

Im 59:1 in München spielten Against Me! aus Gainsville. Tom Gabel, James Bowman, Andrew Seward und neu am Schlagzeug George Rebelo (bekannt von Chuck Reagan) hatten den ausverkauften Laden auf ihrer White Crosses Tour gleich von Beginn an im Griff. Los gings mit High Pressure Low und dann gab es einen Hit nach dem anderen. Das Volk tanzte, das Volk schwitzte und freute sich. Fotos vom Against Me! Konzert gibt es hier und bald auch ein Interview mit Andrew.

It took some time but on White Monday Against Me! were back in Munich. Against Me! are Tom Gabel, Andrew Seward, James Bowman and George Rebelo (who took over for Warren Oakes. There is a new album out called White Crosses and a new tour on. Sold out concert at the 59:1 and a great show. Old and new hits and everybody was sweat and lucky. If you got the chance and you like Gainsville style punk rock, catch Against Me! live in a theater near you. To get a taste, take a look at these concert photos.
Here is an interview with Andrew.

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