
Gaslight Anthem 18.08.2010 Interview

There was only little time to get some answers from Alex and Alex at the Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia . Both play in the American band The Gaslight Anthem, right now on tour with their new album “American Slang”. Here is what Alex Levine (AL) and Alex Rosamilia (AR) responded:

Alex Rosamilia - Gaslight Anthem Alex Levine - Gaslight Anthem

RTC: Hey Alex, how come that you are a St. Pauli fan (German soccer team)?
AR: When I first came to Hamburg our contact guy there took us all around and showed us the city. Of course St. Pauli and he explained what it stands for. I was always interested in soccer, but into the UK Premium League and some Italian teams, no Bundesliga, but I got more and more into it. After this I informed myself and each time I come around I check it deeper – by the way I also converted my flatmate into a St. Pauli fan.
RTC: Away from sport, back to music, imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners.
AR: Refused / At The Gates / Fugazi / Jawbox / Botch
RTC: How would your mother describe your music to the neighbours?
AL: Rock and Roll
RTC: What made you start making music?
AL: The Clash!
RTC: Can you tell me your perspective of what you think is the difference between Sink Or Swim / 59 Sound / American Slang?
AL: They are different records from different times
RTC: and which is your favoured one?
AL: ohh, it is American Slang
RTC: Thanks and a good show.
See the gig pictures here.

Alex Rosamilia - Gaslight Anthem Alex Levine - Gaslight Anthem

2 Antworten auf „Gaslight Anthem 18.08.2010 Interview“

Hey Ho Manntis,

stimmt, deshalb ist es auch immer ganz wichtig die Leute nach den letzten drei gekauften Platten zu fragen und was die letzten drei Konzerte waren!

Aber was sagt uns Refused / At The Gates / Fugazi / Jawbox / Botch über Alex Rosamilia?


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