Today’s special guest: Katie from The Kabeedies. The relatively new band comes from Norwich UK. It is Katie doing vocals, Evan on guitar, Fab on drums and Rory on bass. Their current release Rumpus is out on NR one records.

KATIE: Hi, I’m Katie from The Kabeedies.
RTC: How does your father describes your music to the neighbors?
KATIE: He probably would define it not how I would want it to. He probably would describe it like Punk, but it is not. He is cool, he is just stuck in his own way and he loves Blondie.
RTC: How and why did you start with music?
KATIE: Evan the guitarist and I were in school together and we just wanted to start a band and we’ve been in this awful band called The Inmates and eventually after school somehow we ended up with the new band The Kabeedies.
RTC: Can you live of your music or do you have other jobs?
KATIE: Well I work part time in a bar called The Bird Cage. We earn a little money with the music, maybe a little bit more would be nice.
RTC: But you are not so long on the run.
KATIE: No not so long. We struggle but it is OK.
RTC: How come that you are so often in Munich during a very short time period? For me this is OK.
KATIE: We get treated really nicely everywhere in Germany, everybody has been so kind to us and we have a booker (Hi Peter) who is from Munich. He sets us up with really good gigs and we like very much to play in Germany, here everybody enjoys our music, it is better than in England cause they aren’t so generous and especially London can be really snobby.
RTC: Best song in which you were involved?
KATIE: My favorite song is actually Come Out Of The Blue, we have played it tonight but we did not record it yet. When we go home on Sunday we gonna start mixing and it will eventually be our next single.
RTC: 7″ vinyl?
KATIE: Yes and available to download.
RTC: Best song which you would like to have written?
KATIE: It changes day by day. Probably at the moment it will be Always Like This by Bombay Bicycle Club or a all time favorite song might be anything by the Everly Brothers.
RTC: You still remember the first record you bought?
KATIE: It was Blur by Blur.
RTC: And your favorite book and why?
KATIE: I love reading and again it changes, it depends on my mood. I love the book Bothering High and the collection of short stories of Thomas Mann, I defiantly recommend reading his short stories.
RTC: Last one, imagine you are God and you are able to set up a festival (even with dead persons or dissolved bands), who should be on stage?
KATIE: Chuck Berry
Vampire Weekend
Blondie, to represent the women
Mondy Ray, cause one of them just stands there
RTC: All right, thanks and over, see you with The Kabeedies soon again live on stage.