
New Model Army 05.03.2024 Backstage München

New Model Army

Oh wie schön, oh wieder New Model Army und oh wieder im Backstage in München.
Wie immer klasse Show, klasse Stimmung, diesmal die Unbroken Tour und nicht die Raw Spirit Tour.
Immer wieder toll was Justin Sullivan, Ceri Monger, Michael Dean und Dean White auf der Bühne abliefern.

When New Model Army come to Munich (or Germany in general) a sold out crowd awaits them. Backed by a brand new album „Unbroken„, this band displays such power and on point sound from the onset, that you immediately feel overwelmed and envelpoed by the music. Both the new album and the band sound as fresh and energetic as ever. As if this was the beginning of something, a new step in the sand of time rather than just following in the footprints of older albums. They play a lot of the new album, which in many ways is predestined for the live appearances. While New Model Army need no categorization, their new album shows their stylistic range. The „First Summer After“ has a powerful punkish feel to it,“Language“ a more progressive folky direction and „Reload“ a combination. New Model Army voice their take on the world. As in prior concerts singer Justin Sullivan is not shy to express his dismay of „Brexit-Island´s“ direction. If there is a theme tonight however, it is „unity“. Justin encourages us to „take care of each other“ and not just focus on ourselves, as „those in power“ would propagate to ease their grasp on us.

New Model Army deliver on the night. The main floor of the Backkstage that Justin refers to as „The Swimming Pool“ pogos and dances their souls out, with plenty of agression release but no real fighting (the „unity“ seems to have worked). It is so clear tonight that New Model Army have a strong following in Germany and this is another one of their living rooms. This is rhythmicly underlined by one especially avid fan, standing on the shoulders of another, that is making remarkably in tune hand motions and gestures to NMA´s songs above a crowd that is fully in the moment too.

Text: Martin o’Star