Saint Vitus is back!
St. Vitus sind zurück und das zweite Mal innerhalb kurzer Zeit hier in München, zuerst 2009 im Backstage und nun 2010 im Metropolis. Geändert hat sich nicht so viel (zum Glück), bis auf den „Aus“-Tausch von Armando Arcosta am Schlagzeug, dieses bearbeitet jetzt Henry Vasquez.
Nach dem klasse Konzert konnte ich dann einen kurzen Plausch mit Dave Chandler (Gitarrengott bei St. Vitus) halten.

Erfahren habe ich unter anderem, dass die aktuelle Tour in Europa gut läuft und das Konzert in Wien am Tag zuvor ausverkauft war. Auch dass die Chemie innerhalb der Band stimmt. Henry ist ein toller Drummer der wieder richtig Power reinbringt und dass der Schlagzeugerwechsel nötig war, da Armando wohl krank ist [RIP 25.11.2010]. Dann gab es noch ein wenig Frage Antwort Spiel wie folgt.
The Monkees, Alice Cooper and still going
RTC: how did you start with music, what was the activator and what still drives you after all those years?
Dave: the TV show The Monkees made me wanne be a musician, later it was Alice Cooper and Hard Rock. And it is the fans that drive us. They make us do it.
RTC: why do you think Saint Vitus is still out there and still going?
Dave: I think it lasted so long because it is simple, not complicated and this music endorses people. They can connect to it, they can get drunk to it and they can enjoy it.
RTC: how did touring change from the beginning to today?
Dave: everything has changed. At the beginning we had no crowd, we had no driver and no club wanted to gave us food, so things got better.
RTC: and the days on tour?
Dave: get up and feel sick, the problem is that I am bus sick. Then later do the sound check, eat, drink, play, hang around and sooner or later getting bus sick again…
Money and songs
RTC: can you live of your music?
Dave: no, when I am not on tour I work in a head shop. Mark works with computers and only Wino (Scott Weinrich) lives of the music with his lots of different band projects and being on tour all time.
RTC: what was your best song in which you have been involved?
Dave: Born too late.
RTC: best song which you would like to have written?
Dave: uhh, perhaps Paranoid from Black Sabbath.
And here Mark Adams (bass) joins in with one ear.
Mark: Schools out
Dream festival and new stuff
RTC: imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your choice (even dead people or dissolved bands), name me the headliners
Dave: T. Rex / ACDC with Bon Scott / Blue Cheer original line up / Blitzkrieg
Mark: Black Sabbath / Alice Cooper / T. Rex / Jimy Hendrix
RTC: and before saying goodbye, what about a new album? Any new songs ready?
Dave: not yet.

[new album „Lillie: F-65″ is out on Season of Mist since March 2012. There is a LP / CD version and a new 7“ called Blessed Night]