
Mephiskapheles 04.04.2014 Interview Greg Robinson

Miami – Music – Mephiskapheles

There are days when things just go perfect. On the 4th of April it was like that. I was in Miami and went to Churchill’s Pub to catch Mephiskapheles live and it turned out that there was time left and that I can do an interview.

Greg Robinson - Mephiskapheles

Sitting relaxed outside it was Greg Robinson (trombonist) joined by Brian Martin (keyboards) and Andre Worrell (vocals – is he The Nubian Nightmare?). For you to file them: I learned from discogs that Mephiskapheles are a 3rd wave ska band from New York.

The past and now

RTC: You’re on the map since 1990 and you had a break in-between.
GR: We’ve been gone for over 10 years and it was time to take a break.
RTC: I guess too much success with too much money and then you though to take some time out to spend the money?
GR: (Smiles) That’s a way of looking at it, something like that.

RTC: You’ve been to Germany as well?
GR: Twice, we did two tours in Europe in 1997 + 98
RTC: What is the difference in touring the US and touring in Europe?
BM: Well, what isn’t the difference? We’ve loved going and playing in Europe.
RTC: Will you come back to Europe?
GR: Yes, if it works out we definitely come back to Europe.

RTC: Let me know more about your plans, new record?
GR: No new record out yet, but we are working on it. Should be out in a few months, I can’t be any more specific.

Music in life and big boobs

RTC: How did you start with playing music?
GR: Oh I had piano lessons when I was a child and then I took of the trombone at the age of nine.

AW: I started doing this when the band started basically. When I was really young I went to choir, the regular shit people do when they are young: sing in a choir.

BM: When I was six, I took piano lessons mainly because I had a crush on a lady who gave me lessons because she had really big boobs, so that started my musical career.
RTC: And it worked out with the big boobs?
BM: Yeah (laughs), I got to know them once in a while.
RTC: OK, so you are not in it because of the music but because of the big boobs?
ALL: Yeah (laughing) in for the boobs!

RTC: Your parents like your music or how do they react?
GR: They really loved it when we were successful, the rest of the time they like it OK.
AW: It’s more like: is that what you want to do? Then do it!

Cash cow?

RTC: I guess, unfortunately you cannot live of the music
GR: Well we have before and who knows?
RTC: What else do you do?
GR: I’m doing proofreading.
AW: I’m an artist that is not extremely successful at this point.
BM: I’m an artist too and between the two, I can keep just below the poppy level, so it works out.

God and Satan and No!

RTC: Do you guys believe in god? Asking because of the title of your record (God bless Satan).
GR: There will be no Satan without god, so I guess I would say yes.
BM: The same.
AW: No, god is a loaded oppressive term or has become over the past centuries and god is whatever it is for everyone. For some people rain is god, so no!
Do you talk about god as a figure of some personage we’ve all invented, hell no!
The answer is no!

(Stupid joking around, did you say no? Was it no?)

RTC: What is a question which really sucks and you get it asked several times?
Is it: do you believe in god, hehehe)?
AW: (Laughing) That is right, that’s the question!
RTC: And which is a question which you liked to get asked, but never happen?
BM: If it wouldn’t be you but a good looking girl: would you screw me and my younger sisters?

(Big laughing here and message to the chicks out there, come on do start asking this question!)

Then we had another long discussion about god, my opinion, questions about it, god what or who is god and so on and on.

Namedropping and the festival headliners

RTC: Are there any bands you want to have mentioned?
GR: Inspecter 7 from New Jersey, they are long overdue to come over to Germany!
BM: Inspecter 7
AW: No Redeeming Social Value

RTC: Imagine you are god and you can put on a festival; name me the five headliners, even dissolved bands or dead people.
AW: 5 times Mephiskapheles
BM: Sex Pistols / The Clash / Pink Floyd / Queen / Jethro Tull
GR: Luis Armstrong / Charlie Parker / Elvis / Motörhead / Mephiskapheles

Big boobs and beer

RTC: All right, almost thanks, last one: What do you have for Europe and Germany when you come back over?
AW: Play our ass of, have a great time, meet some cool bands, some cool fans and just party! (Laughing)
RTC: big boobs?
AW: Big boobs are great, small boobs are great
(Gets interrupted)
BM: Big boobs and beer!

Greg Robinson - Mephiskapheles

That’s it, catch Mephiskapheles live when you have the chance and click here to see the concert pictures of Mephiskapheles on stage at Churchill’s Pub in Miami.


Mephiskapheles 04.04.2014 Churchill’s Pub Miami


Man kann in Miami den Abend in South Beach verbringen und dem Show-off beiwohnen, man kann aber auch einfach mal in einen coolen Punk Rock Laden gehen und sich im Punk / Ska Fieber wiegen. Also ein wenig geschaut und dann Churchill’s Pub entdeckt (seit 1979), schön mit dem öffentlichen Bussystem hinbewegt und Spaß gehabt!
Ein einfacher, schlichter Laden, viele Bands an dem Abend und dann auch später viele Leute, ja ich muss auch erwähnen ein hoher Frauenanteil. Hat alles gepasst und als die Hauptband namens Mephiskapheles auf die Bühne kam, ging die Party noch einen Gang höher. Was Andre A. Worrell und seine Mannen gezeigt haben hat auch meine Füße zum Wippen gebracht (immer ein gutes Zeichen). Leider ist am Tag zuvor mein gutes Objektiv abhanden gekommen, das wäre leider nötig gewesen, egal die Bilder von Mephiskapheles sind halt leider nicht so toll, aber das Konzert war es.

Being a tourist in Miami, what to do in the evening? Yeah doing the show-off at South Beach or doing the Rock The Cam –off? You are right; there is a cool venue I have read about called Churchill’s Pub, serving Punk Rock and this kind of lifestyle since 1979. And there is Mephiskapheles and other bands playing. Heading there via public transportation (interesting…) I finally made it and hey, nice place and lots of cool bands – and not to forget, lots of women there. Good live party and when Andre A. Worrell and his Mephiskapheles gang entered the stage, the party went even a bit crazier. Thanks!

Read the Mephiskapheles interview with Greg Robinson, Brian Martin and Andre Worrell here.