
Frank Turner 15.08.2011 Konzertposter

Poster vom Frank Turner Konzert beim Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia am 15. August 2011
Lunedi 15 Agosto

Frank Turner - Poster

Yuppahhh und wenn du dem Link hier folgst, kommst du zu den Konzertfotos von Frank Turner.

And by just using this link you can really make it to the Frank Turner concert pix from this show in Italy! Believe me, yeah you can…


Miss Chain And The Broken Heels 15.08.2011 Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia

Miss Chain And The Broken Heels - Brescia

Dann kam die nächste Kombo aus Italien: Miss Chain And The Broken Heels aus der Nähe von Mailand (Italien). Die Musik ist angenehme gute Laune Musik, ein wenig klingen die 50er (oder sind es die 60er) durch. Flott, melodiös und Miss Chain an der Gitarre und am Gesang, macht Laune. Mal wieder eine gute Wahl beim Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto.

From nearby Milan in Italy: Miss Chain And The Broken Heels. These are Miss Astrid Dante, a crazy drummer, a crazy bass player and a crazy guitar and keyboard licker. The band plays nice, melodic good mood music and you can hear a touch of the 50ies (or is it the 60ies). The band was another good pick for the line-up of the Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto.


Caso 15.08.2011 Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia

Caso - Brescia

Was gab es denn an meinem 2.ten Besuch auf dem Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto 2011? Es gab Caso, ich glaube aus Brescia? Caso war etwas verloren ganz alleine mit seiner Akustikgitarre auf der Bühne, aber ich fand er war gar nicht schlecht. Mit dem Publikum kommuniziert, seine Lieder gespielt (das mit Überzeugung) und vielleicht auch die Welt ein wenig besser gemacht? Leider habe ich die Texte nicht verstanden, da ist noch Raum nach Oben mit meinen Sprachkenntnissen im Italienischen…

The evening started with Caso from Brescia (?). A man, his voice and an accustic guitar. He looked a bit lost at the big stage, but still played a confident set. Unfortunately there is much to learn for me with my Italian language knowledge and therefore I could not follow the messages/texts of his songs. But what Caso performed sounded right.


Reels Of Joy 14.08.2011 Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia

Reels Of Joy - Brescia

Kurz vor dem Heimgehen beim Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto gab es noch die Umleitung zum Tenda Blu. Dort konnte ich noch Reels Of Joy aus Brescia (Italien) anschauen. Diese habe mal ordentlich Gas gegeben, aber ich war einfach nur müde und Reels Of Joy waren mir dann zu heftig.

Before going home, Rock The Cam took the deviation to the Tenda Blue and got overrun by Reels Of Joy coming from Brescia. Being tired it was just too strong and heavy for me. The people enjoyed it, but after few songs I gave up and was happy to get to the car. Reels Of Joy played an intense set, but like mentioned I was done…


Hot Water Music 14.08.2011 interview Chuck Ragan

An interview under bad circumstances

I was lucky to meet Chuck Ragan for a little talk at the Festa di Radio Onda d’Urto in Italy when Hot Water Music were on the line up. Half relaxed in the backstage area we sat down and the problems started. After a few questions I found out that my recording tool was broken. Chuck offered me to record the interview on his mobile and to mail me the file, cool, so I did not need to write down anything and of the interview went. Almost at the end Chuck noticed that somehow the recording did not work and happy me and happy you, here are some parts which I still remember: Shit!!!

HWM-Chuck Ragan Hot Water Music - Chuck Ragan

My lovely opening question “Where does it all ends?” was answered like this.
CR: I don’t know, we talk about that a lot, no matter if people are listening to us or not, we do what we have to do and we try to go our way.

RTC: Can you make a living from your music?
CR: It is a tough life; it is living with your hand in the mouth. You have little security but I am my own boss and that feels good, it is my self-chosen independent life. If all would not work out I might be doing a job where I am working with my hands. When I was young, me and my brother were building skate ramps and that was lots of fun, shaping wood and creating something useful, it was a good thing.
Back then when I went for my music life my grandfather always encouraged me, he kept me going.
I wanted to do it at an earlier age but was discouraged by a lot of things like parents, school and church. All said what I wanted to do was the wrong way to go. I just wanted to do it cause it felt good. It was my grandfather on my father’s side who told me if you love what you are doing, you are a fool if you ever put it down, keep going no matter what anybody says – go your way. This always stuck on me and now I am musician (smiling)

I remember some topic changes (talked about sport and yoga – how Punk is this?) and another question.

RTC: Hot Water Music – how much did Bukowski influenced you?
CR: Oh, it was a real bad influence on me, I was very depressed and drinking heavenly, so the books dragged me down even further. Once I sold them all for 10 $ and found out I should have done that earlier!

RTC: Best song which you would like to have written?
CR: „Hold On“ by Tom Waits

But I must confess I do not remember the reason why, he explained it, but it is gone.

RTC: How much control do you have as a band about your band (releases, design, bookings)?
CR: We have full control on that, of course we have to give things out of hand, but just to people that we trust. For example a record design, we know the artist, he does the work and we trust him.

RTC: Last one, imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your choice (even dead people or dissolved bands can be on the list), please name the five headliners?
CR: OK, the line up should read like this:
1) Creedence Clearwater Revival
2) The Police
3) Woody Guthrie
4) Bob Dylan
5) Blaze Foley

Chuck Ragan interview photo

I must confess, all in all there is not so much that is left from the conversation, but it is far better than nothing and here you can check out the Hot Water Music concert pictures from Brescia / Italy. Here everything worked out fine, click – sit back – enjoy!


Hot Water Music 14.08.2011 Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia

Hot Water Music - Brescia

Innerhalb kurzer Zeit hatte ich die Freude Hot Water Music aus Gainesville USA wieder zu sehen, diesmal beim wundervollen Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto in Italien. War das Münchener HWM Konzert schön, dann war dies noch eine Spur besser. Warum? Es war nicht der Mob, der ist mehr ausgerastet in München, es waren nicht die Stagediver, die gab es in Brescia nicht, aber das ganze Drumherum hat mir besser gefallen, relaxtes Festival, angenehme Leute, 25 Grad um Mitternacht und eine tolle Band (Hot Water Music) auf der Bühne. Danke George Rebelo, Chris Wolland, Jason Black und Chuck Ragan (auch fürs Interview).

In a short time period I was able to catch Hot Water Music live on stage again. This time it was in Brescia at the Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto. The gig from Jason Black, Chuck Ragan, George Rebelo and Chris Wolland was good and compared to Munich three days ago, I liked this one better. Although there were less people in Italy and they did not stagedive, there was just the great vibration of a relaxed open-air and about 25 degree at midnight! Thanks Hot Water Music and thanks to Chuck for the interview.


Make Do And Mend 14.08.2011 Festa di Radio Onda d’Urto Brescia

Make Do And Mend - Brescia

Ein bisschen schade für Make Do And Mend war, dass es bei Ihrem Auftritt pünktlich um 20:30 Uhr noch recht überschaubar vor der Bühne gewesen ist. Allgemein war an diesen Abend eh nicht so viel los auf dem Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto in Brescia. Egal, James Carroll, Matt Carroll, Mike O’Toole und Mike Poulin haben Ihre Chance genutzt und die Wenigen beglückt. Ich bin dann nach dem Auftritt auch los und habe mir Ihre Platte End Measured Mile gekauft! Ach ja, hier geht es noch zum Interview mit James Carroll.

Somehow this evening there were not so many people at the Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto in Brescia and when Make Do And Mend (James Carroll, Mike O’Toole, Mike Poulin and Matt Carroll) started the crowd was not really a crowd. Anyway Make Do And Mend played their set and like James stated: Thanks for showing up, it means lots to us. You could have gone to the sweet shop, the book tent or staying at home, but you came here to see us and we are happy about that and feel thankful.