
And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 19.02.2020 Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Da waren sie mal wieder: You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. Diesmal durfte ich Conrad Keely, Jason Reece und Band in Berlin im Festsaal Kreuzberg genießen, denn für die Show in München ging es diese Tour nicht auf.
Und da waren sie mal wieder klasse, live einfach eine sichere Bank: Trail of Dead

Finally back on tour in Germany again: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. Could not catch them in Munich so I had to catch them in Berlin. Festsaal Kreuzberg (nice venue by the way) was the place to be on this thursday evening. Jason Reece, Conrad Keely and band kicked it again. Always an intense experience seeing Trail of Dead live.


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 19.02.2020 Festsaal Kreuzberg Berlin Ticket

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead live at Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin

Ein noch echtes Konzertticket (keine Thermoausdruck) von dem And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Auftritt im Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin.

Und dieser Link führt dich zu den And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Konzertfotos zu deinem Vergnügen.

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Find a photo of the And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead concert ticket here for the show at Festsaal Kreuzberg in Berlin.

Lucky one, this link brings you the And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead concert photos for your private entertainment. And if you don’t want it so private, share the link.

2014 Allgemein

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 09.11.2014 Ampere München

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Neue Platte, neue Tour und neue Bilder für dich: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead waren wieder unterwegs, diesmal in der Ampere. So wie die Platte so war der Beginn, etwas ruhiger, sphärischer. Treibend aber nicht wild. Doch mit der Zeit hat sich dies gesteigert und es wurde heftiger. Was habe ich zu den Konzerten von Trail Of Dead zuvor geschrieben? Intensiv; und das war es mal wieder was Jason Reece, Conrad Keely, Autry Fulbright II und Jamie Miller geboten haben. Diesmal war Autry nur kurz am Boden, dafür spielte er eine lange Zeit aus beim Publikum in der ersten Reihe. Ich freue mich schon auf mein nächstes And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead Konzert.

New record out, new tour and new pictures for you: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead came to Munich to play at the Ampere. And the concert was a bit like the new record, started out a bit calmer, impulsive but not wild. Ongoing it got harder. What did I write the last times about the Trail Of Dead shows? Intensive and this is what it was again and what Jason Reece, Conrad Keely, Autry Fulbright II and Jamie Miller are just really great in doing! OK; Autry did not do such extreme body workout on the floor but he went down from the stage to play a while out of the audience. To put a long story in a nut shell: happy to see And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead soon again!


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 12.04.2013 Interview Jason Reece

After an intense gig (like always) at the Strom in Munich I had the chance to get 3 minutes with Jason Reece. He is one of the original members (besides Conrad Keely) of And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead. The band Trail Of Dead is from Texas and they had their first album out 1998. Last year they published Lost Songs and this is the name of the tour.

Jason Reece from Trail Of Dead Jason Reece interview picture

RTC: If your music would be a film, what kind / genre would it be?
Jason: Let me think, it would be in the future, a science fiction, kind of blade runner with lots of sex and violence.

RTC: What would be your role in this film?
Jason: I would be the renegade, a corrupted cop, not being bad but doing a lot of illegal things, struggling and just trying to survive. Half a cyborg, wait a cyborg is half human half machine, then just a cyborg, not a half one (and on the face was a terrifying cyborg smile)

Now we clarified Jason’s Trail Of Dead film; all right back to music.

RTC: Why should more people listen to And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead?
Jason: Why? Cause we are the best band on this fucking planet, we are the number 1 (another smile) at least in my mind.

RTC: Imagine you are god and you could choose the five headliners for a festival (even dead people or dissolved bands), give me the names:
The Who
Sonic Youth
A Tribe Called Quest

Jason Reece from Trail Of Dead

Off he was (dragged away by his – take this Gordon – evil cyborg manager), ciao Jason – see you next tour again.
And here you can look at the Lost Songs tour pictures from And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead, live in Munich.


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 12.04.2013 Strom München

Trail Of Dead

Lustig, vor genau 2 Jahren waren And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead auch schon in München und das was ich damals geschrieben habe, könnte ich jetzt wieder schreiben. Intensiv und irgendwie wie auf Drogen. Jason Reece, Conrad Keely und Autry Fulbright II haben es mal wieder gerissen. Wie geil sind die Jungs eigentlich auf der Bühne? Extrem geil! Und was dieser Autry da am Bass abgezogen hat, war die hohe Schule des Rockyogabodenturnen. Das hat alles sehr viel Freude gemacht und beim nächsten And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead bin ich wieder mit dabei!

Same day, just two years later: And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead live in Munich. It was great in 2011 and it was great in 2013! Trail Of Dead is just an amazing live band. This time it was not just Conrad Keely and Jason Reece who switched themselves in the parallel music universe while being on stage, this time Autry Fulbright II the man on bass did his Yoga and wrench session while performing. What crazy shit was this? Always bending somewhere, laying on the floor and playing in an unhealthy position, great! Good music, good show, next time I’m at the And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead concert again!

Here a little interview with Jason.


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 12.04.2013 Konzertposter

…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead on Lost Songs tour in Germany

And You Will Know US By The Trail Of Dead - Poster

Die Bilder vom Trail Of Dead Konzert im Strom in München gibt es hier.
Ribozyme aus Norwegen spielten auch und eröffnet haben The Coathangers
And here are the photos from the Trail Of Dead show.
Ribozyme from Norway played as well and the evening started with The Coathangers.


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 12.04.2011 Muffathalle München

And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead

Was für Drogen nehmen die denn oder klinken die sich alleine mit Ihrer Musik aus? And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead spielten in der Muffathalle auf und was Jason Reece, Conrad Keely der Rest der Trail Gang auf der Bühne zelebriert haben, war klasse. Diese Vermischung von Härte und Sanftheit, laut, leise, Ruhe, Heftigkeit, alles sehr intensiv dargeboten. Progrock mit aus dem Punk kommenden Wutattacken, alles muss raus, der Song muss berühren und fliegen. Keine einfache Musik was Trail Of Dead zum Besten geben, doch das darauf Einlassen belohnt einen. Neue Platte (Tao Of The Dead) und neue Tour zusammen mit Rival Schools, was für ein wundervoller Konzertabend.

Are they on drugs or is the music their drug? And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead came around and played a real intense show, it seems like they space away by their music. Conrad, Jason and the rest of the Trail Of Dead gang could fascinate Munich with their mixture of prog-rock punk guitar music. Loud, quite, hard, soft all kind of feelings: great! Since years a frightening high quality level and come on, Rival Schools on board on this tour – what an event Trail Of Dead supporting their new album Tao Of The Dead and kicking the stage at the Muffathalle.