
Cyanide Pills 05.03.2011 Interview

I drove to Tübingen to see the Cyanide Pills. They are from Leeds – UK and their records are out on Damage Goods. (Break It Up 7″; Suicide Bomber 7″; Cyanide Pills LP; Conquer The World 7″). Band members are PHIL PRIVILEGE (voice), ALEX ARSON (guitar), CHRIS WRIST (drums), ALARICK ‘THE TRICK’ (bass) and SI PINKEYE (guitar). They were guided by Paul the tour manager who I was lucky to meet and talk to, cause Paul is a really nice and attentive person (hi and cheers). He managed that Si and Alex took some minutes for RTC to do a little question answer interview. Poor Alex, Paul told me that he never does interviews but at this moment he got forced to. Not alone, we had to wait until Si came back from the ladies’ room (or was it the men’s…?). Did a little chat and it was more that Si was talking (when I did not jabber around) and Alex was more the quite Norwegian one.

Si Pinkeye + Alex Arson - Cyanide Pills

RTC: Hi there, thanks for your time, who are you and what is your job in the band?
SI: I’m Si and I play guitar.
ALEX: I’m Alex and I also play guitar.
RTC: What made you start music?
SI: I don’t know, all of a sudden I could play guitar, it came just like this.
ALEX: Seeing other bands that influenced me, I wanted to do that myself.
RTC: Just that or as well cause of the chicks?
SI + ALEX: (looked at each other) what is this idiot asking?
RTC: OK, next question, how does your mother/father describes your music to the neighbours?
ALEX: Catchy songs and somehow she heard about Punk Rock, perhaps she thinks we do Punk Rock.
SI: My parents do not know much about music, although my dad comes to all our shows, I guess he would say Punk Rock. My mother probably would describe it as heavy metal???
RTC: This is your first tour in Germany, how is it, which was a gig you remember?
SI: Yes, it is the first time that we tour outside of England. We did not had much time and therefore we made just 10 gigs; today is the last one before driving home. Berlin Wild At Heart was great, packed, cool location and lots of fun.
(RTC: keep in mind, the interview was done before the Cyanide Pills played in Tübingen and believe me: this was and will ever be the best gig they have ever done will ever do or will ever dream of – I guess cause Rock The Cam was there, and believe me: even Santa Claus believes in the Eastern Bunny)
RTC: Are you Punk Rock?
SI: Yeah yes.
RTC: Then could you let me know what Punk Rock is (bad trick from the scintillatingly witty Rock The Cam – Feuilleton writer with a nothing background)
SI: Punk Rock is a type of music (and he cleverly sneaks out of my question), there are lots of different opinions, for some it is politics, fashion, a way you think or different mixes of these points.
RTC: You are publishing your fine records on Damage Goods Records, how did this happen?
SI: Damage Goods saw us live, then we lost track and somehow it worked out later, they wanted us.
RTC: Can you live of your music?
SI: No, we all have other jobs, I am a mechanic, I do repair cars.
ALEX: I am a music teacher for kids.
RTC: Cool, then you can educate them with good stuff. What was your first record you bought?
ALEX: Guess it was Green Day – Dookie
SI: Oh it is embarrassing; it was Oasis – Definitely Maybe
RTC: That is not embarrassing, it was a good album, the blokes are a bit strange but the music is good.
Now it was almost time to go, so here is the last question
RTC: Imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners?
SI + ALEX: Let’s get them together, we start with
The Clash
Sex Pistols with Sid
Early Turbonegro when they were still on drugs
The Briefs
Jimi Hendrix
RTC: Thanks and have a good show
SI + ALEX: Thanks, we will do our best

And they did a great show (interesting how these two changed while being interviewed and then being on stage – different personalities) It was a real good one, the Cyanide Pills took the stage and just started rocking and I had the feeling that the guests in the Epplehaus ware really satisfied, this was worth driving from Munich to Tübingen! Next time again.

LP 7" CD

THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM – American Slang – SideOneDummy Records

SD1418-1 2010

Ja ja ich weiß, kein Mensch will mehr die millionste Plattenkritik zum Album von Gaslight Anthem namens American Slang lesen. Will ich auch gar nicht machen, will nur zeigen wie toll ich bin und dass ich das grüne Vinyl habe!
Ein wirklich gutes Stück, wer den Wechsel von Sink or Swim zu The ´59 Sound verkraftet hat (oder gut findet) der ist hiermit auch bestens bedient. Gutes Songwriting, catchy tunes und ab in die großen Hallen.

THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM - American Slang Vinyl Cover

I know nobody wants another review of new LP from The Gaslight Anthem. Anyway I like it, if you could stick with the band through the change from Sink Or Swim to The´59 Sound, then you will be happy with American Slang, and yes good songs but I just wanted to show off with my green vinyl!
(Recorded In Full Frequency Stereo Sound)


Gaslight Anthem 06.11.2010 Tonhalle München

The Gaslight Anthem

Vor kurzem noch in Italien angeschaut und jetzt zum Glück mal wieder in München: The Gaslight Anthem. Ich glaube die gehen bald durch die Decke, noch nen Album mit der Qualität und The Gaslight Anthem knacken den Mainstream, was aber mehr als OK ist, denn auch der Mainstream verdient von Zeit zu Zeit gute Musik (nur leider ist dann nix mehr mit im kleinen Club anschauen). Die Tonhalle war ausverkauft und Brian Fallon, Alex Rosamilia, Alex Levine und Benny Horowitz hatten München im Griff. Gute Spannungsbögen zwischen schnell und langsam, härter und melodischer, alten und neuen Songs, wobei mir gefallen hat, dass einige Nummern auch etwas punkiger als auf den Alben gespielt wurden. Dazwischen gab es verschiedene Ansagen, manchmal lustig (nach Bierdusche im Publikum: hey, if you drink it and don’t spoil it we will look awesome for you at the end of the night), manchmal auch etwas naja unnötig, aber egal, ich finde eine Kommunikation ganz korrekt. Ein Fazit: dem Punk sind Gaslight Anthem entwachsen, aber jeder der gerne gute Gitarrenmusik hört (mit nachlassenden Punk Rock Wurzeln) sollte die Band mal live ausprobieren, die Platten kauft Ihr dann eh!

I have the greatest expectations: another Gaslight Anthem show and of course another great time. It won’t be long until they kick the mainstream, which would be more than fair, cause even the Mainstream deserves good music from time to time. The show was a mix of slower and faster songs, older and younger ones. What I liked was that several songs were played more punk style like on the records. If you like good rock music go and check them (Alex Rosamilia, Benny Horowitz, Brian Fallon, Alex Levine) out live, I guess then you will buy the records anyway!


Chuck Ragan 06.11.2010 Tonhalle München

Chuck Ragan

Chuck Ragan auf der Bühne der Tonhalle in München. Sein Songwriterauftritt kam beim Mop gut an und als dann noch Jon Gaunt an der Geige dazukam, ging die Stimmung noch eine Nummer steiler. Irish Touch, hat mich zeitweise so an Bands wie Levellers erinnert (falls die noch jemand kennt, ich habe die so 93 rum gerne gehört und gesehen – und höre die heutzutage immer noch ganz gerne), doch auf Dauer hat dann bei Chuck Ragan irgendwie für mich der Kick gefehlt. Beim vorletzten Lied durfte dann noch Benny Horowitz von Gaslight Anthem zur Hilfe mit ans Schlagzeug ran.

Saturday night fever with Chuck Ragan! Live at the Tonhalle in Munich, Chuck Ragan (known from Hot Water Music) opened up for The Gaslight Anthem. It was an acoustic show with the help of Jon Gaunt on fiddle. Great watching and hearing these two. Somehow it made me such a Irish touch feeling.


Gaslight Anthem 18.08.2010 Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto Brescia

The Gaslight Anthem

Welch Glück, da durfte ich mir The Gaslight Anthem auf dem Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto in Brescia – Italien anschauen. Mit nur 5 Euro Eintritt war man dabei und hey, was Alex Levine, Brian Fallon, Benny Horowitz und Alex Rosamilia gezeigt haben war den Eintritt mehr als wert. Unglaublich, mit nur 3 Alben (Sink Or Swim / 59 Sounds / American Slang) sind The Gaslight Anthem mal so richtig am durch die Decke gehen. Gespielt wurde ein schöner Mix aus alt und neu und Brian Fallon hatte die Leute mit seinen wow Italy Ansagen im Griff (Who needs New Jersey when he can be in Italy?). Ein wirklich gutes Rock Konzert hier in Brescia und zum Interview geht es hier lang.

Amazing: The Gaslight Anthem live in Brescia – Italy. It was at the Festa Di Radio Onda D’Urto and the entrance was just 5 Euros (Munich in November cost 27). It was a good Gaslight Anthem show with songs from their three records and when they continue like this, they will end up being huge. Brian was telling some nice thing about Italy and the very mixed (from old to quite young) audience loved it. Life can be so simple. Photos from the gig here and here is the link to the short interview with Alex and Alex.