
Deadnotes 12.05.2017 interview

Im Gespräch mit The Deadnotes / interview with The Deadnotes

boahh, wie mach ich das denn jetzt?
Die Fragen waren auf Englisch, die Antworten sind in Deutsch, how about a little misch masch language mix?
Great, here we go with the new upcoming stadium band from Freiburg im Breisgau (im Badner Land) The Deadnotes:

Yannic from The Deadnotes Darius - The Deadnotes

RTC: Who are you guys, please introduce each band member one by one. Name, job in the band, shoe size, why the hot chicks should choose you and not him or whatever
Yannic: Drummer, 45, Weil ich das beste Rhythmusgefühl der Band habe, allerdings meistens auf Tour überdurchschnittlich fettige Haare, was regelmäßig festgestellt wird.
Darius: Gitarrist und Sänger, Schuhgröße 43, vergeben.

RTC: Since when are The Deadnotes around?
Deadnotes: 2011, damals als Schülerband gegründet! Die zweite Show an Jakobs und Darius Schule mit Headset gespielt. Immer noch stolz darauf.

RTC: You are from?
Deadnotes: Freiburg Breisgau Downtown

RTC: What is the place to be in your hometown?
Darius: Litfass!!!

RTC: And when you are not on tour, which is the best bar/ restaurant where you hang?
Yannic: Bar Erika
Darius: Amara vegan Döner, Café Atlantik, Egon 54 –> bester Laden so lange man kein Pils vom Fass bestellt, in diversen Asia Schnellrestaurants.

RTC: Good concert places from where you are from?
Darius: In der KTS sind wir ein klein wenig groß geworden, das White Rabbit ist toll. Ich finde das Waldsee eine mega Venue, aber viel zu wenig wirklich coole Konzerte dort.

RTC: Where can I get your record (on vinyl) in your hometown?
Darius: Flight 13 is the place to be. Ansonsten im Haus meiner Mutter. Da befindet sich Proberaum und Merchlager.

RTC: What was your first record you bought?
Yannic: Aggro Berlin – Aggro Ansage Nr. 5 (shame on me)
Darius: Madonna – Confessions on a Dancefloor habe ich sehr früh geschenkt bekommen. Meine ersten eigenen CDs waren selbstgebrannte Mixtapes mit u.a. Banaroo, Silbermond und Sportfreunde Stiller.

RTC: And the last one?
Yannic: The Menzingers – After The Party
Darius: The Smith Street Band – More Scared of You than You are of Me. Allerbester Opener Song.

RTC: How many records/ singles do The Deadnotes have released?
Deadnotes: 2013 unsere allererste EP “Smiling Faces”, die allerdings schon seit einiger Zeit ausverkauft ist. (Zum Glück vielleicht). Schülerband lässt grüßen.
2015 haben wir mit Casually Dressed aus Freiburg eine Split 10’’ veröffentlicht, 2016 dann das Debütalbum “I’ll kiss all fears out of your face” mit dem wir aktuell auf Tour sind.

RTC: Can you make a living out of your music?
Deadnotes: We can make music out of living!

RTC: What do you do to earn the money for life?
Deadnotes: Yannic wäscht Teller im Altersheim, kein Witz. Jakob arbeitet in einer Bar/Gaststätte/Konzertvenue und mixt Drinks und Darius baut gelegentlich Bühnen für Katy Perry und Ähnliche auf.

Jakob from The Deadnotes

RTC: How many days a year are you on the road?
Deadnotes: Irgendwas um die 100 Shows und noch mehr Tage (?).

RTC: When travelling on a tour, you have your own van?
Deadnotes: Nachdem wir unseren alten Ford Mondeo vertrauensvoll Versicherungsbetrügern übergeben hatten, nun Renault Kangoo. Zumindest noch so lange bis die Achse aufgrund von konstanter Überlast bricht oder wir zu spießig werden mit Gitarren auf dem Schoß aufgrund von Platzmangel zu touren.

RTC: Some fight story?
Yannic: Wir schlagen uns nie. Einmal waren wir aber kurz davor (Cuxhaven?!)
Darius: Wir sind ganz harmlos. Außer dieses eine berüchtigte Mal in Cuxhaven, als Yannic sich für den 3 min Heimweg 4 Bier bestellte und diese definitiv nicht teilen wollte.

RTC: From your tour-live, something you are really proud of
Yannic: Dass wir unser Auto von der Russischen Polizei aus dem Schlamm ziehen lassen haben, ohne dabei auch nur eine Kopeke zu verlieren.
Darius: Tatsächlich vermutlich ohne große Einschränkung auf die gesamte Zeit als Band und vor allem darauf nie an einem Punkt stehen geblieben zu sein.

RTC: How did you come to play with Beach Slang?
Deadnotes: Gute Frage. Wie so vieles läuft das auch irgendwie über Connections. Ein Kollege aus Köln, der relativ intensiv im Musikbusiness tätig ist und schon eine Weile vor Release unsere Platte gehört hatte, hatte uns da connected.

RTC: Could you learn anything from them?
Deadnotes: Beach Slang sind definitiv eine fantastische Band und nicht zuletzt eine meiner Lieblingsbands der vergangenen Jahre. Das ist erst einmal natürlich in musikalischer Hinsicht sehr inspirierend, aber vor allem auch zu sehen wie so eine Band funktioniert.

RTC: Any tip/ help for other bands on tour from you guys (what can they learn from you)?
Yannic: Auch wenn mal was richtig schief geht, im Nachhinein hat man was zu erzählen!
Darius: Schaut Euch uns an und macht dann das genaue Gegenteil davon! Oder auch nicht, aber dann beklagt Euch nicht.

RTC: Which bands did influence you?
Darius: Das lässt sich definitiv nicht kurz zusammenfassen. Neben Bands die ich in den letzten Jahren sehr intensiv höre wie eben auch Beach Slang, The Smith Street Band, The Hotelier aber auch viele Andere in unterschiedlichsten Genres, haben wirklich sehr viele “kleinere” Bands europaweit mit denen wir zusammengespielt haben großen Einfluss auf die Musik. Ich denke sehr oft wenn ich auf Tour zum Beispiel lokale Band sehe “Verdammt, dieses Intro ist genial!” und versuche dann in ähnlichem Stil etwas zu schreiben.

RTC: What are bands from your home area to have a look for?
Darius: Checkt auf jeden Fall Casually Dressed, Redensart, Egal, Brothers of Santa Claus, Neo Rodeo und Yannics zweite Band DroneAge. Die kommende EP wird meega!

RTC: How come that there are some The Deadnotes around?
Deadnotes: Das ist eine sehr gute Frage! Wahrscheinlich aus dem simplen Grund, dass wir damals mit 14 es für nicht relevant erachtet haben den Namen vorab zu googeln. Ich glaube es gibt mindestens fünf Bands mit diesem Namen.

RTC: Why should more people listen to The Deadnotes (from Freiburg!)?
Darius: Das finde ich eine schwierige Frage! Jeder sollte, das hören was ihm zusagt. Wenn unsere Musik vielen Leuten zusagt ist das natürlich ein tolles Gefühl. Alternativ sollten vor allem mehr Leute unsere Songs auf Apple Music hören. Da verdient man echt 10 Mal so viel wie auf Spotify. Sprich 0,5 cent pro Song oder so.

RTC: What was the best song in which you have been involved?
Darius: Definitiv “Casually Dressed – Dependence” und “Forkupines – I Am The Horizon”. Da durfte ich bei den Gangvocals mitmachen. Yeah.

RTC: And which is the song you wished to have written?
Darius: Ich würde gerne so richtig krasse Hitmusik schreiben können. So Strophe Refrain, Strophe etc. So was wo jeder Verse ins Ohr geht. Ich finde das ist eine ziemliche Kunst. Aber irgendwie finde ich mich dann immer in so komplizierten Songstrukturen wieder.

RTC: What was your first show?
Deadnotes: 2011 an der Schule von Yannic! Der Mischer war so wütend auf uns weil wir etwas länger für den Umbau gebraucht haben und dann noch mal von der Bühne gegangen sind um so rockstarmäßig wieder draufzulaufen.

RTC: Which one did really get you?
Yannic: Album Release Show, White Rabbit Freiburg
Darius: Unsere Album Release Show in Freiburg war definitiv eines der Highlights. Moskau 2015, Graz 2016 mit Astpai und Köln mit Beach Slang haben mich in der vergangenen Zeit sehr bewegt.

RTC: (for each of you) Imagine you are God and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners (even dead people or dissolved bands):
Yannic: Tigers Jaw, Title Fight, NoMeansNo, Santana, The Gums
Darius: Madonna, Rammstein, The Gums, Agnostic Front und Harald Schmidt.

Darius from The Deadnotes

RTC: Before giving a highly intelligence statement to my readers, one more question, How would your mother describe your music to her neighbors?
Yannic: Punkrock, aber ganz schön. Der Sänger hat wahnsinnig viel Energie.
Darius: Da die Nachbarn meiner Mutter schwerhörig sind, was ein großer Vorteil ist da wir im Keller proben, gestaltet sich das natürlich schwierig. Mein Vater würde sagen: “Früher war die Musik aber eingängiger!”

RTC: time to say goodbye with:
Yannic: Do It Together …or die!
Darius: Die together. Do it.


Und nu, was bleibt at the end?

Go listen to them and try to catch them on stage!
And this click will bring you some The Deadnotes live pictures from their Munich show.

The end!


Shut Up! Twist Again! 23.10.2016 interview

Interview time with Shut Up! Twist Again!

I was able to see these French guys playing in Munich and here is the follow up interview with Shut Up! Twist Again!

Lucas from Shut Up! Twist Again! Johnny from Shut Up! Twist Again!

RTC: Who are you guys, please introduce each band member one by one. Name, job in the band, shoe size, why the hot chicks should choose you and not him or whatever
Jerome: Hallo!
I’m Jerome, I’m 28 years old, I play the guitar and I sing. Lucas is 22 and plays the drums and vocals. Johnny is 26 plays the guitar and vocals. Thomas is 25 plays the bass and vocals.

RTC: Since when is Shut up! Twist again! around?
Jerome : We started the band during the end of 2013 and we made our first tour during the next summer in 2014

RTC: You are coming from?
Jerome : We are from the Basque Country, we don’t live in the same cities we are between Bayonne and Hendaye (you can check on internet it’s beautiful) but 5 years ago I moved to Bordeaux.

RTC: Do you surf?
Jerome : No, I tried during 2 weeks but I stopped, I am too lazy to spend my time waiting for good waves. But I have a good level in Ski cause the mountains are not so far from our house (less than 1 hour)
Lucas : I used to do it a couple of weeks when I was 14 but I was not so good at it (and my fuckin cousin’s broke my surfboard, so I quit !)
Thomas : No, I always preferred eat a tasty ice cream near the beach!
Johnny : I started young in my city’s club but I’ve quickly joined Thomas near the beach.

RTC: What is the place to be in your hometown?
Jerome : Bayonne.

RTC: And when you are not on tour, which is the best bar/restaurant where you hang?
Jerome : I go in a lot of spots in my hometown but if you are in Bayonne you have lots of chance to see me in a bar called “San Nicolas” or I in an associative bar with friends called “Pena Sale El Sol”.
Lucas : I guess a good beer in front of my hometown’s beach fits perfectly for me !
Thomas : Before, I was all time in the „Kanttu“ Basque bar situated in Hendaye, there was a lot of good concerts and amazing people there. Unfortunately, this place is now closed like many others… So now I drink at home, with my friends obviously!
Johnny : I was often in the „Kanttu“ too… now I go to eat some tapas and grab a beer in the harbor of Hondarribia in Spain.

RTC: Good concert places from where you are from?
Jerome : Unfortunately, lot of places closed during the last 5 years, there are some places still open but it depends on the teams doing the gig.

RTC: Where can I get your record (on vinyl) in your hometown?
Jerome : Some labels have our vinyl but for the most important part we have our merch on bandcamp or with us on our gigs of course!

Jerome from Shut Up! Twist Again! Thomas from Shut Up! Twist Again!

RTC: What was your first record you bought?
Jerome : The Offspring – Americana
Lucas : Limp Bizkit – Greatest Hitz
Thomas : Shakira – Laundry Service
Johnny : Nirvana – Nevermind

RTC: And the last one?
Jerome : Against me – Shape shift with me
Lucas : Hot Mass – Nervous Tensions
Thomas : PUP – The Dream is Over
Johnny : Downtown Struts – Victoria

RTC: How many records/ singles does Shut up! Twist again! have released?
Jerome : We have two albums you can listen here : https://shutuptwistagain.bandcamp.com/

RTC: Can you make a living out of your music?
Jerome : Of course not, it’s not the goal and nearly impossible when you play alternative music.

RTC: What do you do to earn the money for life?
Jerome : We all have jobs beside

RTC: Does it work out with your “Pay What You Want” at the merch desk?
Jerome: Yes, we are not professional sellers, the merch is a way to help the band and most part of people understand that. That’s why people can fix their own price and decide how much they can give

RTC: What is the average that people pay for the vinyl?
Jerome : I don’t know but it’s around 10 euros

RTC: Highest price paid?
Jerome : Maybe 40 euros! It’s rare of course but sometimes people give us money and they say take it, it’s not for vinyls, use it for recording, gasoline, etc.

RTC: Here is some place for that fucker who did not pay anything but took your stuff:
Jerome : This doesn’t happen a lot, but in fact when it’s under the cost price we refuse to sell or it depends on the guys. If it’s a kid and he enjoyed the gig and before going I can give a cd for example. But “pay what you want” it means you have an idea about the costs of making a vinyl or a t-shirt. If you have money you give more if you want, if you don’t have you can give but you can’t give something disrespectful for example under 4/5 euros for a vinyl.

RTC: How many days a year are you on the road?
Jerome : For the two last years, we played around 200 gigs…

RTC: What is the main difference between playing in France and Germany?
Jerome : There is not a lot of difference cause inside each country there are differences. Some places are more rock than others. The scenes are very close cause the same bands tour in France or Germany. I can’t tell you a main difference.

RTC: Beer or wine?
Jerome : Whatever the answer it could be tasty to drink!

RTC: When travelling on a tour, you have your own van?
Jerome : Yep it’s kind of obligation, when you have your own van you can play everywhere and everytime you can. When you are often on tour, it’s less expensive than renting.

RTC: How many are you on tour?
Jerome : It depends the minimum is 4, we made a tour with 8 people until Russia and 9 in Spain and Portugal. But often we are 5, we take Chuck our best roadie/photograph/merchguy with us.

RTC: What was the best thing while this time in Germany (OK you met me, but I asked for the BEST thing!)
Jerome : Playing 2 gigs with The Dictators in front of a lot of people I think it’s a pretty cool thing (just after meeting you of course!)

RTC: How did you come to play with the Dictators NYC?
Jerome : Stefan from M.U.F.T help us a lot, he’s a very nice guy!

RTC: Could/ can you learn anything from them?
Jerome : Not really, but it was fun to drink some beers with “legends” and chatting together about lot of things.

RTC: Any tip/ help for other bands on tour from you guys (what can they learn from you)?
Jerome : Not really, do your best to find places and go on! Even bad luck happen is still fun!

RTC: What made you start making music?
Jerome : I don’t remember, my parents listen a lot of music (rock music of course!) since I was a child I’ve this influence, I started to learn guitar when I was 4/5 years old.
Lucas: My parents pushed me to choose an instrument and take lessons when I was 7
Thomas : At that time I knew Johnny, he already played guitar and we started to play together in a garage of a friend who was drummer.
Johnny : I started to play accordion when I was 10 years old cause my parents are portuguese… hahaha after some years my father finally understood I’ll never be the new one „Joaquim de Magalhães Fernandes Barreiros“ (Quim Barreiros) then he bought my first guitar!

RTC: Which bands did influence you?
Jerome : Lot of bands like Against me!, Dead to me, PUP, Title Fight…..

RTC: What about French bands?
(my French band knowledge is quite bad, I know Ludwig von 88, Berurier Noir, The Hatepinks, La Flingue, Jean Michel Jarre, Mireille Mathieu, Les Thugs and Shut Up! Twist Again!, haha)
Jerome : Whoa very different things you know! We have a pretty strong DIY scene in France, in fact there is less people coming to the show but the numbers of cool bands increase ahaha. This is a list : Guerilla Poubelle, Sport, Quitters, Intenable, Totorro, Heavy Heart, Not Scientists, Justin(e), The Traders, RAVI, Monarch!, Wank For Peace, Birds in row…

RTC: Why should more people listen to Shut Up! Twist Again! ?
Jerome : Kind of mathematics when you played a lot, you meet a lot of people no? By the way when you make the thing honestly people see it, that’s why the alternative scene is very attractive for me. The guys drive all the day to make a gig, take a drink and speak about things just for spend time together. Sometimes, music is in the background is not the most important.

RTC: What was your first show?
Jerome : For the first show we played with The Decline! and Burning Lady (2 French bands famous maybe you know cause they play often in Germany) it was cool for a first time. And like every first time not the best but it was not catastrophic too.

Lucas from Shut Up! Twist Again!

RTC: (for each of you) Imagine you are God and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners (even dead people or dissolved bands):
Jerome : Obviously we are all agreed to choose, Bruce Springsteen, The Pogues, Rage against the machine, The Who, Queen, Nirvana, The Clash and if I’m god I can add one more : The Ramones!

RTC: Before giving a highly intelligence statement to my readers, one more question, How would your mother describes your music to her neighbors?
Jerome : Good question. I think she says punk rock but she adds “they are nice guys”.
Lucas : I think she speaks more about the fact that I spend a lot of time in other countries than specific style of music we make.
Thomas : My mom is a fan of the band! I guess she says: „my son has a band, he plays guitar and he’s a rock star!“.
Johnny : I think she describes our music sound like Johnny Hallyday but a bit louder!

So thank you dear reading for taking your time, now go and listen to them and when Shut Up! Twist Again! are coming around, try to catch them live, they are worth it!


New Model Army 22.10.2016 LKA-Longhorn Stuttgart

New Model Army

Mist, ich konnte leider nicht beim New Model Army Konzert in München dabei sein und verpassen wollte ich die Winter Tour auch nicht.
Also schön den Samstag ausgesucht und den NMA gig in Stuttgart gebongt.
Leider wurde die Anreise ein klein wenig Horror: Vollsperrung und Ausleitung auf der A8. Mit Trip über Dörfer kam ich nach 4 1/2h endlich in Stuttgart an. Bis ich dann endlich vorne war und die Kamera zücken konnte, war das erste Lied schon vorbei. Kein guter Start, aber ich denke so ein paar New Model Army Bilder sind dann doch noch was geworden. Das Konzert im Longhorn an sich fand ich dann nicht ganz so stark wie vor drei Jahren, was aber vielleicht an meiner gereizten Stimmung lag…
Zu Beginn wurde viel von der Winter Platte dargeboten und nach einigen Liedern kamen auch ältere Hits zum Vorschein.
Hinten raus gab es dann mehrere Zugaben Blöcke und heim wollte keiner. Immer wieder eine Freude Justin Sullivan und seine Mannen live erleben zu dürfen.
Nach zum Glück nur 2h Heimfahrt dann müde ins Bett und bis zum nächsten New Model Army Event.

Could not make it to the New Model Army gig in Munich, but I did not wanted to miss the Winter tour. Decided to drive to Stuttgart and it was horror, highway got closed and it took me more than 4 ½ hours (traffic jam / driving round little villages…), when I finally made it to the LKA Longhorn, NMA was already on stage and the show was on. Still with being late and not having much time, I think some concert photos are alright and it is always a pleasure seeing Justin Sullivan and his gang.
Fortunately I made it home in 2h and see you next New Model Army show!


New Model Army 22.10.2016 poster Winter-Tour

NMA Winter Tour Poster, Stuttgart Longhorn

Zur Wintertour war New Model Army wieder unterwegs und hier dazu ein Foto vom Flyerbild zum Auftritt im Longhorn in Stuttgart.
Zu den New Model Army Konzertbildern geht es hier.

New Model Army Winter-tour

Winter NMA tour (Stuttgart – Longhorn) and her you can get crazy to those New Model Army live concert pictures, only for you on Rock The Cam!


Dictators NYC 14.08.2016 Garage deLuxe München

Dictators NYC

Seit zig Jahren unterwegs und noch immer nicht müde: The Dictators NYC aus… das musst du jetzt erraten!
Los ging es in der Garage deLuxe in München mit dem obligatorischen Jacke zeigen für wirklich den letzten Honk der es noch nicht kapiert hat wer da auf der Bühne steht. Ross „The Boss“ Friedman, Dean Rispler, Handsome Dick Richard Manitoba, J.P. Patterson und Daniel Rey zeigten keine Alterserscheinung, sondern rockten gut durch. Mit Spaziergang im Publikum und wilden, bösen Stinkefinkern, Gitarrensoli und old school Hits konnten die Dictators ordentlich Programm für das nicht mehr ganz so junge Publikum und Rock The Cam machen.

On the road since ages and by ages I really mean ages and still not tired: The Dictators NYC from (guess now from where…). At the beginning was the presentation of the jacket so even the dumbest now finally should understand who is on stage. Richard Manitoba, Ross „The Boss“ Friedman, J.P. Thunderbolt Patterson, Dean Rispler and Daniel Rey made the rock’n’roll program, no resting time, pure simple in your face tunes and lots of stage action and a walk through the audience. Happy that I finally made it to catch the Dictators NYC live; Rock The Cam took the concert picture at the Munich show at the Garage deluxe.


Dictators NYC 14.08.2016 poster

Dictators NYC live München Garage deLuxe

einfach dem Link folgen und Dictators NYC Konzertfotos anschauen!

Dictators NYC

Life is so easy, just get on that link and follow, yes I mean follow to see those Dictators NYC concert pictures from their Munich show.


Shut Up! Twist Again! 14.08.2016 Garage deLuxe München

Shut Up! Twist Again!

Bonjour, da knallen die Franzosen Shut up! Twist Again! als Vorband bei den Dictators NYC ganz ordentlich rein. Hat mir gefallen, intensiv dargebotener Punk Rock. Wild and Wicked. Geile Action beim Konzert in München in der Garage deluxe und tolle Energie bei dem Shut up! Twist Again! Auftritt, die Jungs werden wieder angeschaut und hier geht es zum Band interview.

Ben, dis donc., the french Punks Shut up! Twist Again! really kicked it. They have been playing before The Dictators NYC at the Munich show (Garage deLuxe) and I really liked the energy and the power they were setting up on and in front of the stage. Good one and when they are back in town, I wanne see them again. Might be that a Shut up! Twist Again! interview will follow.