
Derby Dolls 05.03.2011 Konzertflyer

Derby Dolls Flyer Epplehaus Tübingen 05.03.2011

Derby Dolls -  Konzert-flyer

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LP 7" CD

THE KABEEDIES – Come Out Of The Blue – nronerecords

NrOneRecords NR72.7 2010

Eine Single mit 2 Songs von The Kabeedies aus UK. Come Out Of The Blue ist ein schöner, leicht ins hektische abdriftender Popsong, hat was und dann der Refrain wenn die holde Frau Katie einsetzt. Song Nr. 2 namens Milk ist ein ruhiges Lied mit Männerstimme und im Hintergrund dann die Sängerin, dann kommt der Wechsel nach dem Refrain, und die Frauenstimme rückt in den Vordergrund. OK Ballade aber auf Dauer muss ich es nicht unbedingt haben. Ist raus auf nronerecords und bei so einem Titel natürlich auf blauem Vinyl. Was ich an der The Kabeedies 7″ Single etwas komisch finde, ist der Downloadcode, welcher halt nur für Come Out Of The Blue (die A-Seite) gilt. Warum?

THE KABEEDIES - Come Out Of The Blue Vinyl Cover

This vinyl 7“ has two songs from The Kabeedies from UK. First one is Come Out Of The Blue and it is a nice pop song although it is not the radio mainstream kind, got something hectically but always melodic, interesting and when Mrs. Katie’s voice joins in – yeah good pop song. The second one is called Milk and it is a ballad which is nice but not more. Strange thing I have noticed is that this Kabeedies single got a download code, but just for side A, why is that? Anyway the record is out on nrone and one blue vinyl.


Cyanide Pills 05.03.2011 Interview

I drove to Tübingen to see the Cyanide Pills. They are from Leeds – UK and their records are out on Damage Goods. (Break It Up 7″; Suicide Bomber 7″; Cyanide Pills LP; Conquer The World 7″). Band members are PHIL PRIVILEGE (voice), ALEX ARSON (guitar), CHRIS WRIST (drums), ALARICK ‘THE TRICK’ (bass) and SI PINKEYE (guitar). They were guided by Paul the tour manager who I was lucky to meet and talk to, cause Paul is a really nice and attentive person (hi and cheers). He managed that Si and Alex took some minutes for RTC to do a little question answer interview. Poor Alex, Paul told me that he never does interviews but at this moment he got forced to. Not alone, we had to wait until Si came back from the ladies’ room (or was it the men’s…?). Did a little chat and it was more that Si was talking (when I did not jabber around) and Alex was more the quite Norwegian one.

Si Pinkeye + Alex Arson - Cyanide Pills

RTC: Hi there, thanks for your time, who are you and what is your job in the band?
SI: I’m Si and I play guitar.
ALEX: I’m Alex and I also play guitar.
RTC: What made you start music?
SI: I don’t know, all of a sudden I could play guitar, it came just like this.
ALEX: Seeing other bands that influenced me, I wanted to do that myself.
RTC: Just that or as well cause of the chicks?
SI + ALEX: (looked at each other) what is this idiot asking?
RTC: OK, next question, how does your mother/father describes your music to the neighbours?
ALEX: Catchy songs and somehow she heard about Punk Rock, perhaps she thinks we do Punk Rock.
SI: My parents do not know much about music, although my dad comes to all our shows, I guess he would say Punk Rock. My mother probably would describe it as heavy metal???
RTC: This is your first tour in Germany, how is it, which was a gig you remember?
SI: Yes, it is the first time that we tour outside of England. We did not had much time and therefore we made just 10 gigs; today is the last one before driving home. Berlin Wild At Heart was great, packed, cool location and lots of fun.
(RTC: keep in mind, the interview was done before the Cyanide Pills played in Tübingen and believe me: this was and will ever be the best gig they have ever done will ever do or will ever dream of – I guess cause Rock The Cam was there, and believe me: even Santa Claus believes in the Eastern Bunny)
RTC: Are you Punk Rock?
SI: Yeah yes.
RTC: Then could you let me know what Punk Rock is (bad trick from the scintillatingly witty Rock The Cam – Feuilleton writer with a nothing background)
SI: Punk Rock is a type of music (and he cleverly sneaks out of my question), there are lots of different opinions, for some it is politics, fashion, a way you think or different mixes of these points.
RTC: You are publishing your fine records on Damage Goods Records, how did this happen?
SI: Damage Goods saw us live, then we lost track and somehow it worked out later, they wanted us.
RTC: Can you live of your music?
SI: No, we all have other jobs, I am a mechanic, I do repair cars.
ALEX: I am a music teacher for kids.
RTC: Cool, then you can educate them with good stuff. What was your first record you bought?
ALEX: Guess it was Green Day – Dookie
SI: Oh it is embarrassing; it was Oasis – Definitely Maybe
RTC: That is not embarrassing, it was a good album, the blokes are a bit strange but the music is good.
Now it was almost time to go, so here is the last question
RTC: Imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners?
SI + ALEX: Let’s get them together, we start with
The Clash
Sex Pistols with Sid
Early Turbonegro when they were still on drugs
The Briefs
Jimi Hendrix
RTC: Thanks and have a good show
SI + ALEX: Thanks, we will do our best

And they did a great show (interesting how these two changed while being interviewed and then being on stage – different personalities) It was a real good one, the Cyanide Pills took the stage and just started rocking and I had the feeling that the guests in the Epplehaus ware really satisfied, this was worth driving from Munich to Tübingen! Next time again.

LP 7" CD

THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM – American Slang – SideOneDummy Records

SD1418-1 2010

Ja ja ich weiß, kein Mensch will mehr die millionste Plattenkritik zum Album von Gaslight Anthem namens American Slang lesen. Will ich auch gar nicht machen, will nur zeigen wie toll ich bin und dass ich das grüne Vinyl habe!
Ein wirklich gutes Stück, wer den Wechsel von Sink or Swim zu The ´59 Sound verkraftet hat (oder gut findet) der ist hiermit auch bestens bedient. Gutes Songwriting, catchy tunes und ab in die großen Hallen.

THE GASLIGHT ANTHEM - American Slang Vinyl Cover

I know nobody wants another review of new LP from The Gaslight Anthem. Anyway I like it, if you could stick with the band through the change from Sink Or Swim to The´59 Sound, then you will be happy with American Slang, and yes good songs but I just wanted to show off with my green vinyl!
(Recorded In Full Frequency Stereo Sound)

LP 7" CD

IN THE NURSERY – L’esprit – ITN Corporation

ITN Corporation 1989

Winterabend und ich fühle mich leicht angeschlagen. Die Luft ist raus, die Kälte umhüllt das holde Heim. Pause, etwas zur Ruhe kommen, schön eingemummt sitze ich auf dem Sofa. Jetzt was ruhiges hören, einen musikalischen Film durch die Ohren ins Gehirn projektieren.
Die In The Nursery CD aufgelegt und Augen zu. Oh wahr, die Reise beginnt. Synthiesounds kreieren Landschaften auf denen verschiedene Arten von Empfindungen unterwegs sind. Percussion und Drumsounds ordnen die Gefühle, oft ein wenig melanchonisch, manchmal treibend; hinaus hinaus in die Weite der Welt, warm und sanft gleite ich dahin…
L’esprit – like the breathless beat of angels‘ wings.

IN THE NURSERY - L’esprit CD Cover

Evening, the light fades away and the cold creeps in. Just want to listen to some quite stuff. I switch on the In The Nursery CD called L’esprit and close my eyes. The film starts in my brain and the voyage begins. Decent drum sounds and keyboard melodies take my feelings to melancholic bright light of new inner freedom (what a new age description, hehehe).

LP 7" CD

FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM – Preacher Man – Rebel Records

Rebel Rec. LC5433 RE 0062 Maxi 50-1407 1987

Wie die Gitarre anfängt, sich steigert und dann kommt diese Stimme, McCoy’s tiefes Organ. Klasse, auch jetzt noch faszinierend, oder ist es nur weil ich mich gerade so jung fühle? Als Fields Of The Nephilim damals auf der Bildfläche erschienen sind, haben sie mächtig Staub aufgewirbelt (haha oder Mehl). Ihr Look ist/wurde nicht von allen gemocht (obwohl sie die Düsternummer ganz ordentlich durchgezogen haben), aber Preacher Man und Laura II sind schon klasse Nummern. Die Preacher Man contaminated version auf der 12″ vinyl Maxi ist auch korrekt, obwohl ich das Remixzeugs nicht wirklich nachvollziehen kann. Kurzum, ist eine tolle Maxi hier von 1987!

FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM - Preacher Man Vinyl Cover

Uhhh, how the guitar starts and then the voice, Mc Coy at his best. The image of Fields Of The Nephilim isn’t what everybody liked/likes, but when their records came out, they made a big bang on the gothic, wave, dark guitar rock scene and not only there. Preacher Man is still a great song taking you into an undertow. Laura II on the b-side is another great piece of music.
Preacher Man contaminated version is as well on the 12″ but I’m not a fan of this remix stuff.

LP 7" CD

TYPE O NEGATIVE – Bloody Kisses – Roadrunner Records

2x LP RRCAR 9100-1 Roadrunner Records (1993)

Eine gewisse Stimmung sorgte beim Gang zum Plattenschrank, dass etwas Älteres zum Vorschein kommt. Type O Negative Bloody Kisses, oh wie habe ich diese Scheibe geliebt und ich freue mich gerade wieder an diesem musikalischen Erguss. Nicht so aggressiv wie Slow, Deep and Hard und The Origin Of The Feces, wo einem die Verzweiflung und Wut entgegen schlägt, nein, diesmal ist die Verzweiflung eher verpackt in ruhigere Töne (na ja). Viel Keyboardsounds, der Bass, die Gitarre und dann natürlich Peter Steele’s Stimme die Type O Negative so prägt. Bloody Kisses klingt zwischendurch schon wie rockige Gothmucke (Sisterstouch) hat aber auch den einen oder anderen HC Fetzer dabei. Ein Gefühlsfilm in dunklen Farben. Mit Black No 1 ist sogar ein richtiger Hit am Start, welcher die Band damals trotz aller politischen Diskussionen zu einer größeren Hörerschaft geführt hat.

Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses Vinyl Cover

Today I had a certain feeling and it was time to get out a classic album: Type O NegativeBloody Kisses. Oh I loved it when it was released and while listening, I still love it. Slow, Deep and Hard and The Origin Of The Feces were hard and aggressive and you could feel the anger, but here the anger is mixed with desperation and out came this record. What a sound, of course the typical bass sound, the guitar and the outstanding voice of Peter Steele, but here the keyboards took over and did a great job, creating an incredible atmosphere. A musical film noir out of Mr. Steele’s dark thoughts. And I think that Black No 1 was even a little hit which entered a bit more the mainstream world. Don’t mistake lack of talent for genius.