
Against Me! 24.05.2010 Interview

Die Band Against Me! aus Gainsville sind Tom Gabel (Gitarre+Gesang), James Bowman (Gitarre), Andrew Seward (Bass), George Rebelo (Drums) und eigentlich wohl auch Jordan (Tourmanager+Mann für alles). Seit Jahren sind die Jungs unterwegs und der Weg führt langsam aber sicher nach Oben. Ihre neue Platte White Crosses kommt jetzt dann auf Warner Music raus und gerade sind Against Me! mal wieder auf Deutschlandtour. Heute vor dem Gig im 59:1 in München hatte ich die Gelegenheit Andrew Seward kurz mit einem Interview zu beglücken.

Andrew Seward - Against Me!

RTC: Your name and job in the band
A: Hi I am Andrew from Against Me! My actual job in the band is bass player and cheerleader.
RTC: I guess cheerleader is your better position.
A: (makes a dancing movement) Thank you, I’m more talented to that.
RTC: The name of the actual album is White Crosses
A: Yes
RTC: Which will come out soon
A: Yes, in about three weeks in Germany
RTC: And it is the best one of course, but why?
A: Oh well thank you. And why? I guess I would say because what we are doing now is more fun, how do I say it right? It is always more fun to live in the moment and look for the future instead of living in the past.
RTC: Next one, how does your mother describes your music to the neighbors?
A: My mother is a fan of the band, I think she describes it probably – I never had heard her talk to the neighbors about that – probably sound like Creedence Cleerwater Revival but a bit louder.
RTC: How and why did you start with music?
A: It’s funny, I actually started playing the bass when I was 12 years old. Most people start playing guitar that is something else but I remember I wanted the bass because of hair metal bands like Winger or Whitesnake and I wanted a bass because a lot of my friends had guitars and no one played bass, so I figured I could get into a band when I played bass.
RTC: And you are still into hair metal?
A: Ah if it comes on I listen to it, but I don’t listen to it all the time.
RTC: Now let’s get private, can you live of your music or do you have other jobs as well?
A: No no, this is a full time job, so the answer is yes and the other part of the answer is that it would be impossible to actually have another job and do this. Back when I first joined the band eight years ago myself and Jordan who is the tour manager he’s so much in the band he doesn’t play anything but he has been with Against Me! longer than I am in the band, we used to work in a pizza place where he would just smoke weed and drive his car with the ordered pizzas and I would just ride my bike to work and make the pizzas so we would do this if we weren’t on tour for you know a minimum wage until we came to the point they wouldn’t even let us work there anymore because we were gone so much.
RTC: Gone of the much weed?
A: No no no, we were on tour too much, they don’t care about the weed.
RTC: Best song in which you were involved?
A: Like my favorite song done with the band, I give you two answers. My first answer would be Disco Before Breakdown, because it is the 1st song I have ever recorded with Against Me! and it was two weeks after I have joined the band – so it is my very 1st experience. And the 2nd one I would say it is from the new record called High Pressure Low because it is a very fun song to play on the bass, I know the bass is boring…
RTC: But you can do a cheerleader thing to the song.
A: Like that – Hey (does a funny movement)
RTC: Wow, now I’m impressed.
A: I’ll try my moves out. OK, it has a very good bassline and Tom actually wrote it and he played it for me and I go: that’s a great bassline, it is not about anything, it is just about that it is good. All right that is kind of my answer: High Pressure Low and Disco Before The Breakdown.
RTC: Best song which you would like to have written which is out there?
A: Tuff question, any song of Disintegration by The Cure.
RTC: Interesting answer for a hair metal fan playing in Against Me! How does it feel after years of touring with Warren Oakes and now the change without him and the new one (George Rebelo) in the band?
A: Oh at the 1st tour it was different but now it’s almost been a year already and the split with Warren wasn’t a bad thing for either parties, he wanted to do his own thing and we wanted to keep on going and touring, so it is fine. An added bonus for me is that George is also in Hot Water Music and has always been one of my favorite drummers.
RTC: Please let me know if music should be political?
A: I think it depends on the background setting, if it is political it should be smart but I also think that if music just wants to be fun, there is nothing wrong with that. There is a saying: if you wanne be political, just do it well and don’t preach, if you don’t want to be political, just write good music.
RTC: All right, Americans abroad, I hope I’m not like them, I’m not so sure, are you like them?
A: I sure hope not, because we actually just been to the Biergarten place right there having fun and there was a Canadian and 2 Americans and they were by far the loudest people there. It makes me do this I know this doesn’t audible but makes me like shutter (makes an Argghhh face). So we try to be as polite and respectful to every cultural human as possible.
RTC: Let me know the 1st record you have bought?
A: Oh shit it was actually an old metal record by a metal band that no one heard of called Powermatic, it was a cassette, I got it from Camelot Music in Park Way City Mall in Huntsville Alabama.
RTC: And the last one?
A: Last music I bought was actual the new National, I think High Violet, I went to the music store and bought it there.
RTC: Cd or LP?
A: Just on CD, it was ridiculously cheap. It was only 8 Dollar, so I though OK. Well it was James‘ birthday so I bought him 3 CDs, The National, the new Hold Steady and Willie Nelson with his old stuff.
RTC: Willie Nelson is coming to Munich.
A: I saw the poster. Have you seen Willie Nelson? You should go, he is great and he smokes weed!
RTC: Which book can you recommend?
A: I take at the moment „The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay By Michael Chabon, I think it is a very good book.
RTC: Do you know your last three shows you have been?
A: That’s an easy one, Against Me! Against Me! Against no no no. The last band is called Floor, they’ve been broken up for a while and another one is a band called Torch. They are from Miami, they are just amazing heavy, makes you shit your pants, real heavy. And I want to go see Mastadon.
RTC: Imagine you are God and you are able to set up a festival of your choice, name me the five headliners (even dead people or dissolved bands):
A: Otis Reading
The Pogues in like in 1986
Bruce Springsteen and the E-string band circa Darkness From The Age Of Town, so late 70s
Midnight Oil
Slayer, South Of Heaven
RTC: No Against Me! ?
A: No, I am in Against Me! Why should I? Mhhh, but if we could open up the festival, this would be cool, well I am God so yes, we will open up.
RTC: Thanks and have a good concert.

Andrew Seward - Against Me! - knallhart Andrew Seward - Against Me! - knallhart mit Lächeln


GWAR 04.07.2010 Tourposter

GWAR Poster 2010 live Backstage / München.

GWAR -  Show Tourposter

Du willst noch Bilder sehen von diesem Splatterkonzert? Hier ist der Link zu den GWAR Konzertfotos.

If you want to enjoy some GWAR photos from the bloody show in Munich, do so by using the link.


GWAR 04.07.2010 Backstage München


Es war soweit, GWAR (ODERUS URUNGUS, BEEFCAKE THE MIGHTY, BALSAC THE JAWS OF DEATH, FLATTUS MAXIMUS und JIZMAK DA GUSHA) haben sich aufgemacht, um auf der Lust in Space Tour (heißt die noch so?) mal wieder ordentlich aufzuräumen. Zum typischen GWAR Metalsound gab es so einige Opfer zu beklagen: ein aktueller amerikanischer Präsident durfte kopflos sein Blut verspritzen, der Pabst, ein Polizist und noch ein Haufen andere auch. Der Teufel wurde hergenommen und auch der ein oder andere Samenerguß landete in den Zuschauern. GWAR machen einfach eine geile Sauerei! Scumdogs of the Universe kommt zurück.

Metal Metal Land / Lords And Masters / Saddam A-GoGo / Ham On The Bone / Tormentor / The Apes Of Wrath / Womb With A View / Let Us Slay / Maggots / Immortal Corrupter / The Price Of Peace / Lost In Space / Bring Back The Bomb / Sick Of You

GWAR came to Munich during their Lust In Space tour and I survived. Not all were that lucky. Accompanied by the typical GWAR Metal sound, the current president of US of A was beheaded and his blood was sprayed all over the spectators. He however was not the only one on the GWAR to-do list. The pope, a police man, Jesushitler and others were slaughtered and their blood-fountain splattered around. Not to mention the sperm showers of several stage actors! Crazy great live band, here are some GWAR concert photos from the gig in Munich.


Therapy? 11.11.2010 Troublegum Tourposter

Therapy? Poster Troublegum Tour 2010 live Backstage / München.

Therapy? - Troublegum Show Tourposter

Und hier gibt es noch Therapy? Konzertbilder von diesem Abend.

Click here and see some Therapy? concert photos from the show in Munich.


Therapy? 11.11.2010 Backstage München


Andy Cairns, Michael McKeene und Neil Cooper sind Therapy? aus Nordirland. Jetzt gab es zum 20. ten Geburtstag eine spezielle Tour. Auf dieser Troublegum Tour wird das komplette Killeralbum Troublegum gespielt und noch ein paar mehr alte Songs. Die 3 Therapy? – Jungs spielten souverän Ihr Set herunter und Andy Cairns erzählte viele Dinge zwischendurch, was ich ja auch mag. So durften wir beim Konzert im Backstage (München) erfahren, dass die Band in 20 Jahren zweimal von der Polizei auf Drogen hin kontrolliert wurde, beide Male in München. Außerdem ist Munich a nice city, like Belfast just with less guns. So ging die tolle Abendunterhaltung: Therapy? spielten Ihre Troublegum Lieder, ein Schwätzchen dazwischen und der nächste Hit. Ach ja, den Spruch gab es auch noch von Andy Cairns bei der Bandmitgliedervorstellung: Hi, and my name is Arnorld Schwarzenegger. I come from near Austria and would like you to vote for me as mayor of Bavaria. Dann durfte München make some noise machen und weiter! Auch wenn ich nicht der „Konzert-mitmach-animier-Fan“ bin, es kam gut an und es war einfach ein toller Therapy? Auftritt. Die Konzertbilder aus dem Backstage kommen hoffentlich auch gut an, lass es mich wissen mit einem dollen Kommentar.

20 years on the music scene and therefore Therapy? from Northern Ireland made a happy Troublegum tour. Back then when it came out, the Troublegum album kicked ass. And what Andy Cairns, Michael McKeene plus Neil Cooper did show this night at the Backstage in Munich kicked ass as well! Playing the old hits and listening to the funny statements from Andy in-between the song, it was good amusement.


Asian Dub Foundation 08.11.2008 Punkara Tourposter

Punkara Tour 2008 von Asian Dub Foundation. Hier ein Foto vom Plakat aus München.

Asian Dub Foundation - Punkara Tourposter

Da schau her: Fotos vom Asian Dub Foundation Konzert gibt es hier.

Pictures of the Asian Dub Foundation concert are here. Punkara live in Munich.


Asian Dub Foundation 08.11.2008 Muffathalle München

Asian Dub Foundation

Aus England kamen Asian Dub Foundation um Ihre neue Platte Punkara live zu präsentieren. Wer genau wann wie in diesem Kollektiv aus verschiedenen Musikern dabei ist kann ich Euch leider nicht sagen aber das hier kann ich mitteilen: Rock The Cam hat nicht nur ADF Konzertbilder gemacht, nein sondern auch das Ärschele bewegt, denn der Beat ließ nicht nur mir keine andere Wahl. Interessanter Musik-Misch-Masch und eine passende Liveshow. Außer Punkara Lieder griffen Asian Dub Foundation auch auf einige ältere Stücke zu.

Party at the Muffathalle, Asian Dub Foundation from England invited us to dance. ADF is a group of different musicians (changing members quite a lot) with an interesting mix of music. And RTC did not just take Asian Dub Foundation concert pictures; no RTC was kind of dancing. Cool show, lots of new songs from the Punkara album but as well older ones.