
Ribozyme 12.04.2013 Strom München


Aus Norwegen kommt die Band Ribozyme und geben tut es die Jungs auch schon eine ganze Weile, laut Nachschauen seit 1998. Bisher waren mir Ribozyme unbekannt, doch der gute Auftritt war ein schönes Guten Tag. Im Strom in München konnten Kjartan Ericsson, Bård Bøge und Cato Olaisen als Vorband von Trail Of Dead nicht nur mir gefallen, denn auch große Teile des Publikums schienen Gefallen gefunden zu haben. Ich fand Ribozyme „klang“ größer als für den kleinen Club. Gute Rockschiene ohne sich anzubiedern und die Stimme hat mich so manchmal an Eddie Vedder und/ oder Layne Staley erinnert.

Ribozyme are a band coming from Norway. Since a while they are around (1998) but somehow never showed up on my radar. It changed on this night cause Ribozyme played before Trail Of Dead. Kjartan Ericsson, Cato Olaisen and Bård Bøge did a good job and the audience at the Strom in Munich liked it. Good rock music without being too radio. And I found that the voice of Kjartan was quite interesting, sounded like more to come.

And click here to check the Ribozyme Kjartan interview.


Coathangers 12.04.2013 Strom München

The Coathangers

Ughhhhh, was war denn das? The Coathangers aus Atlanta, USA. Drei Frauen auf der Low-Fi aber voll Energie Schiene. Viel Wechsel an den Instrumenten und immer feste losgeschrubbt, nicht immer schön, aber dafür fetzig drauf! Auf Tour mit Trail Of Dead waren The Coathangers hier in München im Strom und Julia Kugel, Stephanie Luke und Meredith Franco haben Ihr Schrubbelfeuerwerk gekonnt abgebrannt.

Three girls from Atlanta (USA) called The Coathangers did open for Trail Of Dead at Strom in Munich. The Coathangers performed a low-fi in your face gig with lots of instrument changes, everybody was playing drums sometimes and guitar and… Meredith Franco, Julia Kugel and Stephanie Luke played a not always nice but always energy fueled gig.


And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead 12.04.2013 Konzertposter

…And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead on Lost Songs tour in Germany

And You Will Know US By The Trail Of Dead - Poster

Die Bilder vom Trail Of Dead Konzert im Strom in München gibt es hier.
Ribozyme aus Norwegen spielten auch und eröffnet haben The Coathangers
And here are the photos from the Trail Of Dead show.
Ribozyme from Norway played as well and the evening started with The Coathangers.


Rocket From The Tombs 15.01.2013 Interview David Thomas

It was not so easy to get some answers out of David Thomas, at the Rocket From The Tombs tour he was unfortunately ill so thanks to the new world, we did the interview via eMail. Being engaged with Pere Ubu (new record out called The Lady From Shanghai) and this “reunion tour” with RFTT, he is a busy man and it seems he is not the man talking too much, which is alright, let the music do the talk. Here is my communication with David:

David Thomas from Rocket From The Tombs

RTC: How do you feel to be on tour with a band which “was” years ago (it is a bit like history meets present)?
DT: I don’t have any feelings about it.

RTC: We are all not getting younger, what still drives you to go on tour and play live?
DT: It’s what I do.

RTC: Do you now reap the fruit of old labor with RFTT?
DT: This question leaves me speechless.

RTC: You had to go to hospital because of blood poison, how did this happen (and by the way thanks for getting back on tour)?
DT: How it happened is not really your business.
– fair deal, it was worth a try –

RTC: What made you start playing music?
DT: I can’t remember.
– now it gets interesting –

RTC: If not being a musician, what would you be?
DT:I don’t answer these sorts of hypothetical questions.

– lots of questions, lots of answers, unfortunately all the same, but hey that’s like it is –
RTC: Best song in which you were involved?
RTC: The song (out there) you wished to have written?
RTC: Imagine you are god and you are able to set up a festival of your
choice (even dead people or dissolved bands), name me the five headliners:
DT: I don’t make lists.

RTC: Will there be another RFTT album in the future (already songs written)?
DT: Yes.

David Thomas from RFTT

With this last yes, the interview is over. Here are the pictures of the Rocket From The Tombs show and hopefully I see David Thomas again on stage with Pere Ubu or RFTT.


Monster Bash 26.04.2013 München

Du weißt nicht was du am Freitag den 26 April 2013 tun sollst?
Na dir kann geholfen werden! Beim Monster Bash in München gibt es einen Haufen Bands die gerne für dich aufspielen. Mit dabei sind unter anderem Rise Against, Pennywise, Flag, Millencolin, Polar Bear Club, Grade, Less Than Jake, Title Fight, AC4, A Wilhelm Scream, Nothington, Tim Vantol, und und und
Ja und hoffentlich ist Rock The Cam auch dabei.

Monster Bash Flyer - München

You don’t know what to do on Friday the 26th of April? Just move it to Munich to the Monster Bash with lots of bands playing just for you! You will be able to catch Rise Against, Pennywise, Flag, Millencolin, AC4 and and and
Yes and hopefully Rock The Cam can join, see you!


Black Rebel Motorcycle Club 05.04.2013 Tonhalle München

Black Rebel Motorcycle Club

Da sind sie wieder zurück, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club. Eine neue (gute) Platte aufgenommen (Specter At The Feast) und zum Glück auch auf Tour. Robert Been, Peter Hayes und Leah Shapiro haben die Muffathalle in München ausverkauft, dann wurde das Konzert in die Tonhalle verlegt und auch diese wurde ausverkauft. Gute Vorzeichen und niemand wurde enttäuscht. Gekonnt haben BRMC eine Mischung aus alten Hits, neuen Liedern und verschiedenen Spannungsbögen (härter, schneller, langsam, bluesig) auf der Bühne aufgeführt. Ein guter Sound und auch ein gutes Licht haben das Konzert super getragen. Auf der Bühne hat sich nicht so viel getan, typisch BRMC. Leah hat Ihren Beat fast schon stoisch aber treffsicher runtergespielt, Peter hat ein paar wenige Bewegungen gemacht und nur Robert machte ein paar wenige Ansagen und hat zeitweise auch richtig Gitarrenbewegungsaktion gezeigt. Schön schön schön, Danke Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.

Finally back: Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, it’s been a while. But not just back on tour but as well a good, new album out (Specter at the Feast). The Muffathalle in Munich was sold out and the venue was changed to the bigger Tonhalle and hey, even this place was sold out. A good omen for the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club show. After seeing and hearing that, I am sure nobody was disappointed. Peter Hayes, Robert Been and Leah Shapiro did a good job! There were old songs, new ones, slow ones, hard ones, bluesy ones, fast ones – the arc of suspense was well constructed. A good sound and a really good light show added to the overall satisfaction at this gig. On stage it was typically BRMC: Leah Shapiro beating the drums, Peter Hayes not really moving much and only Peter Been doing some little announcements and sometimes some great guitar rock posing. Lovely evening and hopefully Black Rebel Motorcycle Club will keep the motor going.


Transfer 05.04.2013 Tonhalle München


Komplett unbekannt waren mir Transfer, welche für Black Rebel Motorcycle Club den Konzertabend eröffnen durften. Transfer kommen aus San Diego und bestehen aus Matthew Molarius, Jason Cardenas, Shaun Cornell und Andy Ridley. Die Musik ist gitarrenorientierter Rock und dies hat ja bei dem Line Up auch gut gepasst. In der ausverkauften Tonhalle in München konnten Transfer durchaus neue Hörer und Fans gewinnen.

Completely unknown was Transfer to me. They have been the opening band for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club on this concert night. Transfer are from San Diego and the band members are (if I’m right) Shaun Cornell, Matthew Molarius, Andy Ridley and Jason Cardenas. Their music is guitar rock and therefore it did fit well on this night regarding the audience and the lineup. In the sold out Tonhalle in Munich/Germany, I’m sure Transfer did find new listeners and some new fans.